Weekly Roundup 11-March-2022
Tēnā koutou, and welcome to your weekly collection of interesting stories from the transport and urbanism world. The week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Scott slated Council’s “characteristically timid” response to the latest housing bill, when it comes to putting housing where shops and services and attractions already are.…
Weekly roundup 04-March-2022
Kia ora. Well, this week definitely felt like it had too much news in it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we found transport and urbanism angles on pretty much all of it. The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post, by Matt, explored the pros and cons of past CRL proposals, going all the way back to 1920.…
Weekly Roundup 25-February-2022
Kia ora – hope everyone’s safe and well this week! Header image courtesy of twitter user @bobbythekiwi. The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post looked at the proposed Carrington development on the old Unitec land, asking if the plans are fit for purpose, especially when it comes to transport emissions
On Tuesday, Heidi looked at recent coverage of Waka Kotahi’s cycling plans and investment, and asked whether Aotearoa could do with an Active Travel Commission like the UK has recently set up.…
Weekly Roundup 18-February-2022
Kia ora. Here’s our roundup of transport news and interesting stories for the week ending mid-February. The cover photo shows Auckland Harbour Bridge closed last weekend when Cyclone Dovi rolled through, Image by David White, from Stuff. Thanks to Jolisa for co-writing this post!…
Weekly Roundup 11-February-2022
How’s that humidity? Tired of talking about it yet? Well, our brains are a little fried. Thankfully it was another short week.
The week in Greater Auckland On Tuesday, I wrote about the potential for street transformation as a response to the looming Omicron outbreak, and the bigger picture of street reallocation.…
Beyond pandemic streets
When Omicron was discovered in the community late in January, All Aboard Aotearoa wrote to the Minister for Transport and Waka Kōtahi, asking them to expedite the temporary reallocation of a lane of the harbour bridge for active modes. Download the full letter here.…
Streets for People [take two]: 2021-2024
The next phase of Waka Kotahi’s Innnovating Streets for People programme was released quietly last week. Now called Streets for People, this is the second iteration of the project, which ran as a pilot from mid 2020-mid 2021. The possibility of a second round of funding seemed a bit up in the air when the 2020-21 pilot programme wrapped at the end of June, so it’s great to sea that Waka Kotahi are re-booting it, with what looks like an improved structure.…
Mode-shifting services and deliveries
Service and deliveries logistics often gets raised as a problem when discussing plans to make urban areas safer for walking and cycling. We want to reduce the presence of vehicles in community centres and neighbourhoods, but how can we provide for services and deliveries that come by truck, van and car?…
Kid’s-eye view of a waterfront ride
For me, the best thing about lockdown, hands-down, has been sharing the road with heaps more other people on bikes than I usually do. I get particularly excited when I see a whole family out on bikes together.
A couple of weekends ago, I went for a ride along the waterfront with the kids who are in my bubble.…
Lockdown streets: here we go again
For the first time since April 2020, Aotearoa is back in a Level 4 lockdown following the discovery of a case of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in the community. The lockdown will initially go for 7 days in Auckland and the Coromandel, and 3 days in the rest of the country.…
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