Making our cars cleaner
Last month the Government proposed a series of initiatives to help reduce transport emissions by improving the quality of our vehicle fleet. A lot of focus went on what’s called the “Clean Car Discount” where purchasing new dirtier vehicles will become more expensive and new cleaner vehicles cheaper.…
Double Decking the Harbour Bridge
Double decker buses are now a common sight on the Harbour Bridge since Auckland Transport started using them for the Northern Express in 2013. If mayoral candidate John Tamihere gets his way it won’t just be the buses that would be double decked but the bridge too.…
Flashback Saturday: ATAP interim report
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Matt was originally published in June 2016.
Yesterday, the second Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) report was released, with the third and final report due in August. ATAP is the council and government working together to come up with an agreed transport plan for Auckland, one that ultimately performs better than what is currently planned.…
Hamilton commuter rail and rapid transit being planned
There was an interesting announcement yesterday from Transport Minister Phil Twyford and Māori Development and Associate Housing Minister Nanaia Mahuta yesterday that there will actually be some inter-regional strategic planning on the Auckland to Hamilton corridor.
First urban growth partnership signed
New Zealand’s first urban growth partnership between the Government, local councils and mana whenua was signed at a meeting of mayors, chairs and ministers in Hampton Downs today.…
What winter cycling slump
It seems someone forgot to tell Aucklanders that it’s meant to be too cold and wet to ride a bike in winter. The latest cycleway numbers have been released by Auckland Transport and they continue to show strong growth with numbers on all routes with more than a year’s worth of data showing a 7.4% increase over July last year.…
The Road to Zero – Submissions Due Now
Submissions are due today at 5 pm for Road to Zero: A New Road Safety Strategy for NZ, which we posted about last month.
Here is the Ministry of Transport’s video about the strategy.
And their information, including summaries and how to submit is here.…
The Sleek Queen Transit Mall
This is a guest post from reader Graeme Gunthorp
Why the Queen Street Transit Mall will make driving more efficient
Intersections are known as “conflict points” for good reason – people, vehicles, bikes going every which way, crossing paths and slowing each other down.…
First there was green-washing, where organisations will spin initiatives or market products as being more environmentally friendly than they are. In the transport space that morphed into PT-washing, where even the tiniest amount of improvement to public transport as part of a mega roading project became promoted as one of the main benefits of the project.…
Should light rail be underground?
With the suggestion that we might finally hear something more about light-rail soon, I thought I’d put down some of the things I’ve been thinking about the project recently in relation to whether it should be built as an underground line.…
Flashback Saturday: Alternative Transport Funding Report Released
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Matt was originally published in October 2014.
The latest report on alternative transport funding for Auckland, prepared by the Independent Advisory Board (formerly the Consensus Building Group), has just been released.…
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