Road Building Brouhaha

Over the last week there’s been a flurry of discussion in the media about the country’s transport priorities following the publication of a letter by the government’s Business Advisory Council (BAC). There are a number of areas the BAC have concerns about with infrastructure but the key point of contention can be easily summed up by the headline Business Council’s blunt message to Government: We need more roads.…

Zero Carbon

Silver Pine* Businesses in New Zealand compete on a playing field that undercharges for pollution and thus disadvantages low-carbon and environmentally-friendly practice. Similarly, business-as-usual mindsets hinder low-carbon and environmentally-friendly transport and land use plans. We need strong climate law to break through to progressive action.…

2019 Council Election – transport thoughts

The next council election is exactly 3 months away on October 12. There are already many candidates announced for Mayor, councillor and local board positions and we’re starting to see some policy emerging. With that in mind, I thought I would pull together some of the key areas those seeking to be elected should be focusing on trying to deliver.…

The “Progressive NIMBY” conundrum

A recent Huffington Post article shines a light on a rather surprising political battleground in many cities around the world – seemingly progressive residents going feral against change in their neighbourhoods. In May 2018, a public meeting in a wealthy enclave of one of America’s most progressive cities devolved into a two-hour temper tantrum as longtime residents incensed about a proposed tax to fund homeless services shouted down its proponents.…