Puhinui upgrade confirmed

Some great news on Friday with Transport Minister Phil Twyford and Mayor Phil Goff officially kicking off the upgrade to the Puhinui station. When completed it will become one of Auckland’s most important interchange stations, allowing for frequent, simple and reliable congestion free connections to the airport.…

Let’s Get Welly Moving released

Yesterday the Government released a package of investments to improve Wellington’s transport system over the next 20 years – known as the “Let’s Get Welly Moving” project. Phil Twyford said our Government is tackling the long-term issues and this 20 year plan is a step change for transport in Wellington.…

Auckland 7th best cycling city – Yeah Nah

Cycling in Auckland has definitely improved over the last five years, especially where we’ve started to build quality and safe infrastructure – although the roll-out of that appears to have stalled of late. But we’re coming off a low base and have a long way to go and so it was a surprise yesterday to see Auckland ranked as the 7th best city for cycling.…

E-scooters extended but to be slower

Shared e-scooters have been in Auckland for seven months (today) and already resulted in a significant shift in how many people get around. Yesterday the council announced they will be for at least another five months til the end of October as part of a new trial announced yesterday – we learnt this was coming last month.…

Fare Reduction Options

Public transport fares have been a hot topic this year following Auckland Transports announcement in January that they were putting them up again to cover increasing costs, in part because more people are using PT. Increasing fares at the same time as we want a lot more people to use public transport isn’t a great strategy and in March, our friends at Generation Zero called for AT to freeze fares and for the NZTA to review their farebox policy.…