Electric buses in Auckland

This week will see the first two 100% battery powered electric buses for public transport hit the streets in Auckland on the City Link route. They’re not quite the first ones overall though as AUT launched one as a shuttle between their campuses last month.…

Single Stage Business Cases

Over the past five years NZTA has developed their “Business Case Approach” to guide transport funding decisions. In many ways this is a good process – it requires a clear articulation of the problems you’re trying to solve, how significant they are, what the desired outcomes are (and why) and then an evaluation of possible options and alternatives.…

Apr-18 AT Board Meeting

Next Tuesday the Auckland Transport board meet again. As usual, I’ve had a look though the papers to find the things I think are interesting. Closed Session The closed session is where all of the interesting stuff happens. There are quite a few items but most look fairly boring.…

An Auckland City-State?

Recently Metro Magazine published an interesting, albeit it somewhat messy piece by former Waitakere City Mayor Bob Harvey asking if Auckland should become a city-state. The basis for it is similar to many of the conversations we’ve had, that Auckland’s population, growth and economy are almost completely different to what’s found elsewhere in New Zealand.…

Next Steps for Greater Auckland

We have had an amazingly successful 12 months here at Greater Auckland. Just over a year ago we launched our rebranded site, which still looks fantastic. We continue to be grateful to everyone who made our redesign possible, particularly Sandfield for the website and to Cornelius from Frontier for the design.…

Accelerating Light Rail Delivery

Could Auckland have had the first section of light rail from the city to the airport up and running in time for the 2021 America’s Cup and APEC Summit? A couple of documents the council surprisingly released yesterday suggest it was possible if all of the stars aligned, but the opportunity to do so now looks to have passed.…