Join the call for a truly bikeable Auckland!

Our good friends at Bike Auckland have launched a campaign for a truly bikeable Auckland. Below I’ve re-posted their blog post introducing the campaign. We’re launching a campaign for a truly bikeable Auckland – and calling on the incoming council and local boards to commit to the vision, with a vital network, more local links, and safer streets.…

August-16 Cycling Stats

The cycleway stats for August are now available and there are some fantastic results. Here are a few highlights but they are not the only ones. The NW cycleway at Kingsland continues it’s impressive improvement Further up the line the counter at Te Atatu has been seeing great growth since the new Te Atatu Rd underpass opened just before Christmas last year.…

2016 Mayoral Hopeful Transport Policies

We’re now less than one month away from having a new mayor and later this week voting papers go out. Our friends at Generation Zero have once again been creating score cards for the mayoral and council candidates and they’ll be released later this week but in the meantime, I’ve taken a quick look through the transport policies of the main contenders and picked out what I think are the key points.…

Sunday reading 11 September 2016

Here’s this week’s Sunday Reading. Please add any interesting links in the comments below. Have a great day. When you learn that Pawnee from #ParksandRecreation is actually just Christchurch — Jordan T. (@Xenojay) September 5, 2016 Here’s a disappointing story about how “micro-housing” one of Seattle’s innovations used to address housing affordability and choice has lost in a war of attrition.  …

Trapped on an Island

Auckland is in the process of changing from a city of cars to becoming more of city for people but in most places that still is not reflected in our infrastructure. That can often leave situations like you can see so perfectly illustrated below where a lot of people are crammed onto a small traffic island surrounded by a sea of roading with few vehicles on it.…

Matakana Link Rd fast-tracked

Imagine you’re spent years pushing a motorway project, promising it will deliver travel time savings and economic nirvana for an entire region and then add in that you’re on the cusp on construction as the contract for the project, that will end up costing you over $1 billion, is about to be signed.…

Dear City, I’m in love again

This is a guest post from reader Isabella I’ve been with Wellington for a while. We’ve had our ups and downs, but it’s over 30 years together. Notwithstanding some flings with other cities, I’ve been faithful to you. But I can’t pretend I’ve not yearned for a few things you don’t have (like decent PT, some real bike infrastructure), and some things you’ll never have (better weather, lots of little tree-lined beaches).…