Karaka-Weymouth bridge gets rubbed out

We have written a couple of posts on the sheer stupidity of the Karaka to Weymouth Bridge that was being proposed by the council as part of the Unitary Plan process. The need for it primarily arose from the suggestion of allowing for a lot of greenfield development to occur around the Karaka area as part of the council opening up land through the Unitary Plan process.…

Old Kopu Bridge to be demolished

Like probably many of you, I have a lot of memories of driving across the old single lane Kopu Bridge on the way to or from holidays on the Coromandel Peninsula. My family have a batch at Whangamata so we travelled down fairly frequently however it seems like we were always either lucky or just smart enough not travel at peak times as I can’t recall ever being stuck in some of the infamous holiday traffic jams.…

Rarotonga Dreamin’

A couple of weeks ago I made my way to Rarotonga, a rather lovely place and the most populated island in the Cook Islands (10,500 residents). No doubt some of you have been there – I’d certainly recommend it – and I thought it’d be interesting to take a look at transportation in the Cooks.…

The Congestion Free Network doesn’t mean no roading projects

Since the launch of our Congestion Free Network and how much it will cost we have had a few questions around what it means for the funding of improved roads. To try and clarify, we are not against funding going towards road improvements and our estimated budget for The Congestion Free Network is just over 40% of what is currently planned to be spent on transport over the same time frame.…