Will Heavier Trucks Last?

Something has been bugging me (okay a lot of things) about the announcement of heavier trucks by Steven Joyce last week and today I realised what it is. Once we get them they aren’t going away, at least not through political channels (unless a Green MP is Transport Minister).…

Progress on Auckland’s PT

I learned quite a few interesting and useful things about the progress of various public transport projects throughout Auckland today, as well as various other aspects of how things are going. I will briefly outline what I can remember, but feel free to ask for further information on anything in particular in the comments thread: Resource consent for building the Onehunga Station was received last week, and construction has just begun on this station (the first step being to demolish existing buildings on the site).…

Future CBD Rail

As the CBD Rail Tunnel project slowly inches towards potentially becoming a reality, as a good public transport dreamer I feel that it is my task to look beyond this project to see what longer-term future projects might be needed to ensure that Auckland’s central city has the ability to cope with possible future railway lines that may feed into it – including a North Shore Line, a “Far East Auckland” Line (that I generally refer to as the Howick/Botany Line), an airport line and so forth.…

ARTA cracking down on fare evaders

As the ticketing system on Auckland’s rail system is basically unchanged from how it would have worked 60 years ago, rather unsurprisingly a lot of people manage to avoid paying for their rides. ARTA have estimated that fare evaders cost the system around $1.5 million a year – which is fairly significant.…

The Grafton Bridge Saga

Back in February I wrote a blog post about how lucrative Grafton Bridge’s bus lanes are proving for Auckland City Council, with well over a million dollars in fines having been issued in the few months that the bridge has been open to buses only from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.…

The world’s best rail system?

I always love debates about which city has the world’s best rail system (one could extend that debate to the world’s best public transport system, but for simplicity’s sake let’s keep it to rail for the moment). A number of possible candidates come to mind – some of which are cities that I have visited, most are cities that I have not.…

I’ll put in for the ticket

This is William S. Lind, he is the Director of the Center for Cultural Conservatism (sounds like someone I wouldn’t get along with usually) but he is one of the biggest conservative supporters of public transport in America and co-author of, Moving Minds: Conservatives and Public Transportation, here he is talking about some of the points made in the book.…