Final RLTS tweaks being made

Tomorrow is a pretty important day for transport planning in Auckland, with the 2010-2040 Regional Land Transport Strategy taking its second to last step towards adoption, in its consideration by the Regional Transport Committee. In the appendices to the agenda for that meeting there is a summary of the changes made as a result of hearings conducted on the RLTS in February, as well as a marked up version of the RLTS showing changes that have been made.…

Independent Inquiry On Sydney’s PT

For those that follow PT developments across the ditch it has been pretty obvious that the NSW State Government has been less than hopeless at resolving Sydney’s public transport issues, in particular rail system issues, where the State Governments have repeatedly announced major rail projects only to cancel them a year later.…

Accessibility vs Mobility

Accessibility and mobility are two quite interesting terms that get thrown around a lot when it comes to transport planning. Humantransit has an excellent post quite recently on the pitfalls of trying to analyse public transport projects as if they were roading projects.…

Onewa Road

Through a rather unusual series of events this morning (involving dropping my daughter at school and having to be at a meeting at work at an earlier than usual time) I found myself catching an Onewa Road bus for the first time in a number of years.…

Integrated Ticketing: The Sooner The Better

One of the things that has been a big disappointment for me is seeing the shape the new Auckland Transport will take. Not only because of its structure and lack of accountability to those paying rates (which will hopefully change in the final form of the third Auckland Bill) but also because we will lose the Auckland Regional Transport Authority which, despite some grumbling from transport advocates, has started to move Auckland in the right direction since it was formed in 2004.…

Green Metropolis – an interesting sounding book

One of the more annoying things about living in New Zealand is that most of the truly interesting urban planning and transportation books never make it to the shelves of our bookshops. However, thanks to Amazon, I do manage to find and buy interesting books every once in a while – even if it’s slightly annoying that the cost of shipping often ends up being similar to the cost of the book itself.…

More Bus Lanes Please

A lot of emphasis is put on improving Auckland’s rail system, and quite rightly so as it offers enormous potential to shift people long distances around Auckland completely independently of the road network. The more people who catch trains in Auckland the fewer people there are clogging up the city’s streets at peak time – meaning that without the rail system becoming increasingly popular, who knows how bad traffic would be from the west, south and inner-east to the CBD.…

Nickname for Auckland Transport CCO?

A good nickname for a project/agency that you’re not particularly fond of can have devastating effects on whether that particular thing goes ahead or not – or at least how it’s viewed by the general public. As a case in point, if we look at the Puhoi-Wellsford road of national significance, the “holiday highway” moniker coined by ARC Chairman Mike Lee has proven very catchy, and has certainly got on the nerves of those most in favour of promoting the road.…