The Uncertain Future

A number of international stories have caught my attention recently. I’ve been thinking about how they relate to NZ and Auckland in particular. The more I’ve reflected on them the more I’ve become convinced that the future is very uncertain technologically (more than anytime previously) and of critical importance will be our need for a flexible, efficient, transport system.…

GG loves PT

Governor General slams Auckland’s traffic congestion   Auckland’s traffic congestion was decried by Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand yesterday as a “deadweight” on the region’s productivity. Sir Anand, who grew up in Auckland, said heavy investment in motorways and the decline of public transport after trams were taken off the roads in the 1950s had led to severe congestion to the detriment of both individuals and the economy.…

New Parking Buildings?

I’ve noticed a few construction sites as I head around the city that I know are (or look like) new parking building being built. They are: The large parking building being built on Quay Street A small building at the intersection of Dominion and View Roads A three or four story building on the site of the University of Auckland’s Medical School across the Auckland Hospital Is any one able to shed a bit of light on these sites?…

Easy Transport Auckland

The Campaign for Better Transport, Walk Auckland, Cycle Action Auckland and Living Streets Aotearoa have created a new campaign and website looking at affordable transport initiatives the new Council can make during it’s first term to create a much better transport system for the city.…

The Plan

I haven’t posted for a while and Josh being a way gives me a chance to get back in the groove. One of the reasons I haven’t posted for a while is because I think our brains work about 10 times as fast as money is available and about 50 times faster than most policiticians brain’s move.…

How do Auckland’s Bus Subsidies Work?

The process by which Auckland’s bus system is organised seems very very complicated, with strange relationships between ARTA and the different bus companies, which seems to vary according to route, and even down to particular services. This is my understanding of how bus subsidies work in Auckland: – Routes and services are identified by ARTA via documents like the Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP).…

B Line Appears

I haven’t posted for a while but some of you may remember I gave up my car about 4 months ago and after 2 weeks of withdrawals it has been a really great experience so far. As such I am now very dependent on my Dom Rd buses which takes me into the city.…