Have your say on where and how Auckland sprawls

As I blogged about a few weeks ago, the Council is considering different options for Auckland’s future “Rural Urban Boundary” in the south – as this area was highlighted in the Auckland Plan as being suitable for significant urban development. Digging through the Council’s website, I have found that they’re now seeking public feedback on the different options.…

Where and how will Auckland sprawl?

Back in August I commented on plans being developed to decide where and how Auckland’s urban area should expand. The Auckland spatial plan required that up to 40% of growth in the next 30 years be provided for outside the 2010 urban limits, which translates to quite a lot of sprawl as Auckland’s population may grow by a million people during the time.…

Auckland’s PT Trends

The agenda for next week’s meeting of the Council’s Transport Committee includes an interesting item on transport monitoring, which looks at how Auckland’s transport system is performing in comparison to a number of targets that were set in the Auckland Spatial Plan.…

How should Auckland sprawl?

Under a lot of pressure it seems, Auckland Council made the decision that the Auckland Plan would provide for quite a lot of urban sprawl. Around 170,000 dwellings of it over 30 years. Big chunks of land in the south, northwest and north were identified by “red boxes” as being places where investigation would need to take place in order to determine where this development goes.…

The government’s bizarre response to the Auckland Plan

Central government has put together an official response to the Council’s Auckland Plan. While in many areas there’s support and agreement, one obvious place where the two views don’t match up is in relation to transport. Discussion around the government’s position on the Council’s transport plans for the next 30 years is quite extensive, but a little bit hard to comprehend.…

What’s Auckland’s future?

Sometimes it’s helpful to take a step back and try to see the big picture – the “forest for the trees” as the saying goes. While this blog focuses on transport, really it’s interested in Auckland’s future – what will this place be like in 10 years, 30 years, 50 years or even 100 years?…

An update on the Unitary Plan

With the Auckland Plan now completed, it seems as though Auckland Council’s focus has shifted onto a critical document in actually achieving the land-use changes outlined in the Plan through, unsurprisingly, yet another plan – this time one called the “Unitary Plan”.…