Auckland Transport have started rolling out new HOP card readers around the network and over the next three months, all of them on buses, at train stations and ferry wharves will be replaced. The change itself is not that remarkable, with the new readers looking similar to what is already on buses today.

While the change itself might not be that interesting, the reason behind it is. These new readers are to enable payment by credit card and phone wallets.
Over the next few years, we’re investing in technology to make it easier for you to use and pay for public transport – and it’s starting this year. By the end of 2024, Aucklanders and visitors to Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland will be able to more easily pay for buses, trains and ferries.
Later this year, if you’re paying a standard adult (HOP) fare, you will be able to pay for AT buses, trains and ferries with Apple and Google Pay, debit cards and most credit cards in addition to your current AT HOP card. If you qualify for a concession fare, you will continue to use your existing AT HOP card for a little bit longer.
Our recent research showed that 95% of Aucklanders want faster, easier-to-use and more-frequent public transport that goes to more places. Giving you more choice about how you pay for your journey is one of the ways we are doing that.
A total of $23 million has been budgeted to design and implement the contactless payment technology – the first stage of our ticketing transformation. This will be used to upgrade our current systems, and technology, training, testing and customer information programmes.
But that’s not all. We’re also working hard behind the scenes so we’re ready to join the National Ticketing Solution (NTS) in 2026. The NTS is a partnership between the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and 13 Public Transport Authority partners across the country which will provide a range of easy-to-use payment methods for all public transport in Aotearoa New Zealand. You’ll be able to pay for concession fares using contactless payment devices and the NTS will also introduce a prepaid transit card (similar to your AT HOP card) that you can use to travel on public transport across New Zealand.
- Late 2024: AT introduces contactless payment capability for standard adult fares.
- Late 2025 to 2026: AT integrates ticketing technology with the NTS national ticketing solution.
- 2026: Auckland scheduled to join the NTS – introducing contactless payment capability for all fares and a national prepaid transit card.
AT have also published answers to a bunch of frequently asked questions. A few things that stand out
There will still be a need for some to use a HOP card initially. They do also say that when the NTS comes in it will enable concessions via contactless methods too.
Some features currently available on AT HOP will not be available on contactless payment cards, including:
- concession fares
- personalised communications such as disruption and change alerts
- your full travel details, through MyAT.
The Credit Cards supported are
Any Visa, Mastercard, American Express or UnionPay credit or debit card can be used to pay for public transport
What will I see on my credit card statement?
You will see a charge to Auckland Transport for your travel on each day (eg; if you take a bus in each direction in a single day it will appear as one amount on your credit card statement rather than two separate payments).
Will you be bringing cash payments back onto public transport?
Cash payments were removed from Auckland’s bus network in March 2020. This is in line with payment preferences and international payment trends, and helps our network stay on time by making boarding faster and easier for our customers. We have no plans to reinstate cash payments.
Use up your existing HOP balance first.
What happens to the balance on my AT HOP card if I move to using a credit card?
The balance will remain on your AT HOP card until they are discontinued. We expect this process to begin in early-2028. (Please note that any balance not used for a six-year continuous period will be automatically wiped.)
We recommend that you turn off the auto-top up function and use the balance on your AT HOP card prior to moving to using a credit or debit card. If you’d like your balance refunded you can visit one of our 12 Customer Service Centres or follow the online card surrender process on our website.
What will you do with the information you have about me after I cancel my AT HOP card?
Your data will remain lodged against your AT HOP account until you close your account or the technology is retired in 2028.
The cost savings to AT are significant – though that appears to be after all future stages are completed and there’s no indication on what those will cost.
What is this project costing?
A total of $23 million has been budgeted to design and implement contactless payment technology which is the first stage of our ticketing transformation. This will be used to upgrade our current systems, and technology, training, testing and customer information programmes.
We expect the ticketing transformation to deliver over $20 million per year in cost efficiencies when it is complete in 2028. Most importantly, it will make public transport easier to access for more people. Increasing public transport use is critical for Auckland and New Zealand to reduce congestion and emissions, improve our air quality and achieve our climate change reduction obligations. Making public transport easier to access is key to making it a more attractive travel option.
I have a few questions and thoughts of my own that aren’t answered.
- What is the impact on the speed of reading the credit cards/phones? Will it result in longer dwell times for buses?
- One of the issues with the existing train/ferry tag posts is the LCD screens were either unreadable in bright sunlight or have become unreadable over time, probably due to long term exposure to that sunlight, will these hold up better? Maybe some proper shelter at stations would help here too.
- Will we get more tag posts at stations? Many train stations only have a single tag post per entry/exit and so catching a train at peak times can sometimes mean you end up waiting for a few minutes just to be able to tag off, an extremely poor user experience.
- It will be less of an issue with contactless options but similar to above, it always frustrated me that tag posts were not located next to top up machines at train stations. People needing to top up their card would have to walk to the middle of the platform to the top up machine then have walk back down to the end of the platform again to be able to tag on. Most places with on-platform top up machines have tag posts next to the machine to avoid this.
A Question will these readers be compatible with the new Nationwide Card when it is rolled out or will these also be Scrapped like the previous Readers they had on the Buses when Hop was first introduced ? .
Literally wouldn’t be surprised if it were the latter.
Were the previous readers scrapped? They were snapper ones, so they probably got given/sold to Wellington who still uses that system (last I checked).
In theory these readers will be integrated with the NTS backend.
But admittedly, we’ve heard that before back in the Snapper Hop days.
One question I’d have is do you use the payment card to both get on and get off? Otherwise how would it calculate your fare? Also with apple pay and the like if you select a different card and forget to select it coming off would you get two penalty fares? I can definitely see people doing that easily…
Does it do a balance check? What if you have a bill payment come out during the trip leaving you at 0 balance or the like? Or does it just do it later and push you into OD or such?
What about bank outages? Will this result in declined tag on?
Also what about paying in general? I still see tons of people just waltz on in on the bus. Kind of irritating when your struggling to pay your bills and others just get a free trip. I haven’t seen a transport officer on a bus since 2017. Only seen one or two on trains post covid lockdowns. Bus drivers are told to ignore it.
Whats the point of the investment in this if payment is just optional anyway?
How would it do a balance check of your debit/credit account? Bank outages – i mean Hop is far more likely to go down than the banking network.
And what has not paying got to do with roll out of new card readers? I see people making this claim now, much like the hysteria with huge numbers of ram raids. No idea of numbers but it would be a tiny % of people not paying.
What’s the point of any investment? Nearly everything in life is optional..
How would it do a balance check? Its contactless payment, this always happens, if you don’t have the funds it declines.
No the banking networks have gone down more often than HOP, if HOP is down its generally a planned outage, and if its unplanned generally the drivers would be alerted, if it’s just bank X you will just think you are out of funds or something is wrong with your card and potentially get stranded.
Not paying has to do with it as its about payments. Why bother paying at all when there is no incentive to do so, doing the honest thing, even when you might be struggling, whilst others who potentially aren’t are getting a free ride.
Investing in it is fine, just questioning the use if you aren’t going to tackle it being seemingly optional anyway lol.
What a grotesque mixture of smug self-imposed ignorance and bizarre non-sequiturs.
Anyone who uses public transport (as you clearly do not) on a regular basis sees BROWN people constantly getting off and on trains and buses without paying, and abusing and assaulting staff whenever they (rarely) confront them or try to remove them. Just as anyone who lives in, say, South Auckland, as I do, knows the devastating reality of BROWN crime on both people and businesses, of which ram raids are only the most extreme example.
But smug champagne socialists in Epsom or wherever who have no experience of crime or social disorder can sip their overpriced coffee and shake their heads over their morning newspaper and dismiss the headlines as ‘hysteria’.
A typical liberal who ignores everything that happens in the real world of ordinary people outside his tiny privileged bubble whenever it contradicts his lunatic ideology.
I see it Ranui with the school kids they get on without tagging on and go to Sturgess Rd and do the same and that’s every weekday .
Admins, can you please remove this blatantly racist comment?
Based on what I’ve seen overseas and with carparking in different parts of NZ it will be tag on and tag off.
Also reading the article above suggests that the balance will be taken out at the end of the day, so it shouldn’t be an issue if there is a short term bank failure.
Will it do a real-time hold on the card? Or will it just wait until the end of the day and hope the card is valid and has balance?
If they are using worldline for the backend payment processor, then worldline provide pre-auth transactions.
Same as using an outdoor terminal at a fuel station; a pre-auth transaction is done at the start for say $200 (or what you select on max fill amount) then when you hang the nozzle back, it does a completion to take the final amount dispensed and release the pre-auth hold.
For AT, I assume they could put a hold of something like maximum daily charge ($12 $20?) then on tag-off do a completion for the calculated fare.
I suspect it would just pre-authorise the default penalty payment amount (same amount if you forget to tag off now) at the start of the first trip for the day. Full amount is taken out at the end of the day.
But people would learn that so perhaps the daily fare cap of $20 would be used, just one downside to using this sort of system and so users who wouldn’t have that kind of spare balance may be better off to use the pre-paid NTS card.
Contact less payments work on public transport systems all over the world. Not sure why you are being so negative about this being rolled out in Auckland.
Not negative about it. Where do you get that from, I am incredibly positive about it, I think it’s great. I just had some questions.
> One question I’d have is do you use the payment card to both get on and get off? Otherwise how would it calculate your fare? Also with apple pay and the like if you select a different card and forget to select it coming off would you get two penalty fares? I can definitely see people doing that easily…
Yes it will require tagging on and off with the same card.
This was a common issue when London first rolled contactless out, and they did a publicity campaign around what they called “Card Clash”
If you have been to Auckland airport you can either get a paper ticket or use Contactless card for there carpark and when you leave just use your card and their machine works out your payment then the barrier arm comes up so you can leave and then the payment comes out of your account .
Why would you need to tag off?
In most contactless systems, you only need to tag in and out of railway station’s gates BEFORE going through gates that prevent access to/from platforms eliminating free loaders and as for buses/ferries/trams its often on a timer: One swipe equeals 60/90/120 mins of access.
In London its one swipe per bus but is limited to a daily fares cap. You can pay for a weekly/monthly ticket for zones 1 to whatever. In this situation your debit/credit card is just a contact device with no funds being transferred as its already paid for.
Why oh why do so many kiwis think backwards and/or so negatvely including the PM?
NZ is getting further and further behind the rest of the word infrestructure wise be it ferries, rail, cycling or bridges.
Yes, you still tag on and off. Like in any other city that allows credit and debit cards.
How it works in London is they use your card to log tag ons and offs, and at the end of the day your trips are debited in one go. This allows the system to calculate the lowest fares and various applicable passes and discounts, and it cuts down on the number of transactions processed.
There are enough other countries where you can use credit cards on public transport so I’d assume these questions have known solutions.
I guess it will do the same as fuel stations where you first have to go to the payment terminal and then fill up.
Pete, Sydney has had this for years and it works well. Having used it myself I can answer some of your questions:
Do you use the payment card to both get on and get off?
Yes, works the same as your hop card.
if you select a different card and forget to select it coming off would you get two penalty fares?
Yes, so just use the same card. Not difficult for 99% of people. Your point about choosing the wrong card in your phone wallet is valid but this can be avoided by nominating one card for ‘transit express’ meaning it will automatically choose that card when you tag on/off.
Does it do a balance check?
Not as such. This is Visa/Mastercard tech not
EFTPOS. In NSW, you’re charged an initial $1 hold basically to validate that the card is real and can be charged. Your fare is charged at the end of the day separately and the $1 is reverted after a few days. Probably how it’ll work here too. If the fare charge declines the system will make another attempt later.
What about bank outages?
Scheduled outages never happen during the day. As for a wide scale unplanned outages, I’m sure staff would let you on and not be dicks about it. Generally in these situations the point of payment will return an error related to contacting the bank rather than your card declining. You could also just use another card.
“By the end of 2024, Aucklanders and visitors to Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland will be able to more easily pay for buses, trains and ferries.”
Yeah, but buried in the FAQ is , “Please note overseas transaction fees may apply.”
They had better make sure this is explicitly explained or they will have plenty of Reddit and tripadvisor threads that will no doubt reflect badly on AT and Auckland
Overseas transaction fees apply to any credit card transaction, it shouldn’t come as a surprise
The overseas transaction Fees apply to their banks as I found out in 97 when in the states , when I went to get money out the ASB charged a $5 fee for every Withdrawal and with the exchange rate being higher it can cost heaps .
If I’m using my NZ card overseas (ie on the london underground) I would expect there to be fees. This is usually all handled by the users bank. Cant see this being an issue.
Does this really need to be pointed out?
Any transaction with a foreign credit or debit card will attract international transaction fees.
You can’t help stupid and you can stop stupid people from posting stupid things online.
Those fees are charged by the user’s bank, not AT. And it’s standard wherever you are in the world.
The overseas transaction fees if the Visa/Mastercard/Amex is issued outside New Zealand.
AT just need to clone Transport for London’s Oyster card website, it spells out all of this for visitors to the UK.
So this will support things like free transfers, tag on/off, etc on credit card? If so that is great.
The national system is a joke. Here is an example of how much it is costing for it to take so long to develop, we now have an AT interim solution with AT installing new card readers that will no doubt be ripped out in 2 years (or 20 years when they finally finish the national system). As a software engineer I really don’t get how this stuff is so hard, I reckon I could build the whole system myself in 1 year, its hardly rocket science.
As a software engineer who has worked on similar systems, it is a lot more complex than you think from the outside, and once you get into a project like this and endless meetings.
The coding part is easy, in particular if you assume all devices are secure and everything is online
Real complexity is herding all the various transport agencies and getting them to agree, when you have no ability to simply mandate something. I bet long periods of time to just figure out if you pay $1500 for a reader with 1.0 sec EMV read time or $1000 for one with 1.2s read time. How many card ID’s do you allow in reader proximity to take a valid read? All that stuff
But yeah, still a very long time for analysis to get to this point. I was potentially involved and went for an interview going on ~10 years ago in which the national card was mentioned.
Trying to get everybody to agree on a national card standard may have been a mistake. They should have just published the ‘best of breed’ standard adopted by AT, and provided some carrots and sticks for other regions to adopt a compatible system. Regions could rebrand, but if the systems are fully compatible then they got some government funding and allowed to use the reconciliation and nightly settlement exchange.
Maybe at the time AT hop was kind of ok but don’t think it was ever best of breed?
Yes, the complexity of developing all this while a continually changing technology market is occurring just in regards to hardware and bank cards alone.
Last year we were not that far from making public transport complimentary (free). Now we are spending more money to make sure it is less complimentary (free).
I know this is how neoliberalism functions, but it seems that were we not wasting our time on public transport related cards, and the security (both infrastructural and personal) to ensure that people are not jumping the gate (which is common in the banlieu of Paris; and I was once encouraged to jump over there, even as an obvious tourist).
I have had to explain to my seven year old, that six months after providing him with free public transport for eightish years, today, he will now be paying. That is part of being a good parent, but I remember Efeso RIP and the hope he represented; and it gave me hope for my children.
But this is the world we occupy, spend money on crap, spend more money to upgrade crap, and don’t talk to anyone because you should be listening to talkback radio while driving in your car by yourself.
We made a big mistake in the 1940s, and it was not entirely Hitler’s sole fault, but the NAZIs did take over BMW and Mercedes and other serious automobiliers at the time so for me it has always been a little uncomfortable to sit inside a vehicle with such a history.
An integrated public transport network for the entire country is a marvellous idea, perhaps that would justify full electrification of our regional passenger network?
bah humbug
Do you have issues with trains and planes too? Airbus’s roots are very close to Dornier, Messerschmitt and Junkers. The railways not much better.
Sydney has multi-payment options; credit cards, OPAL, phones (Android/Apple). From what I saw, most people used their phone, and the swipe time was the same as using an OPAL, which is the card that I use when I’m there.
This is fantastic to finally have ready to go in Auckland. We have been sorely lagging for too long.
Sure there will be bugs and issues that pop up, but, this is necessary to take a critical step forward in our PT infrastructure.
Also, I’m interested to see if AT or the National ticketing card is digitised itself, via an app. That would be useful for many too. I know of some transit cards that can be loaded into phone’s wallet.
Credit cards and pre auth etc is messy. Why not just a transit card available to be added to all the wallets and including watches. You top it up the same as is done for at hop. Credit card could be a fail over if the transit card goes down. Because if we rely on the banks most features for contactless will never be available here. My bank acct setup with kiwibank cant have a debit card. So no option to add to google. The debit card I have with westpac works on google pay but on phone not on watch. But have to transfer funds to it and that takes a random amount of time to happen. And is a pia. So id rather a 1 nts card that i add to wallet. At least then like other transport providers in 1st world countries we would have access to modern options. As the banks here have decided we are not allowed to have nice things. And are about 10yrs behind everywhere else. Yet making them record profits.
Sounds something like the system that our new provider did for Ireland (ticket system on an app, details below). I suspect we could do all of the above at least at a later date. ie :
NTS prepaid card (like HOP)
contactless cards
phone etc wallets
phone etc apps.
“In 2019, the National Transport Authority announced that it was rolling out phase one of its next generation ticketing programme, with Cubic Transportation Systems providing a mobile phone application that enabled public transport customers to purchase a range of tickets through their phone and be able to hold and present the ticket on the phone. (not though, this page has no interview that I can see)
The offering became a huge success over the past two years, with ticket sales increasing by over a thousand percent and ticket values up by over 900%. The NTA now have around 34 operators in the app and expect to exceed last year’s ticket sales.”
I agree. Would like to add the transport card to my google wallet and just top up when required. Would be nice if that was an option.
Yesterday I spent most of my day firstly trying and eventually filing a insurance claim on line. I then got extremely brave and purchased a eight day rail pass for my upcoming trip to Italy. It’s still a work in progress as I am trying to get my head around how the app works in relation to seat reservations for the high speed trains. All of this was extremely challenging and today I have sore eyes and a spinning head. So my point is I am all in favourof Tech but does it have to be so difficult. Ticket machines and cards seem so easy in comparison as does cash. So as long as owning a mobile phone isn’t the only way to access public transport I suppose it’s okay but we should consider what happens if the Internet goes down. I expect they will just open the gates and everyone rides for free.
Have you read the article. This is about using debit/credit cards to tag on not mobile phones. Which have been around for decades and actually should make travelling far easier than having a special Hop card.
Particularly for tourists too, perhaps encouraging greater PT use
Jeez some of the comments on here are ridiculous – want to go back to a Cuba style writing names down in a book for a bus journey or something?
I did read it and I have reread. I see continual reference to phones. Did you read it.
Phones and Debit/Credit cards. It’s your choice.
And what happens to those who’s phones that have died though over use and they can’t get home ? in my eyes cards don’t have batteries that die .
I am a superannuant . So if I want to take my taxpayer funded trip to Waiheke Island could I use my credit card, or must I use my Gold Hop card?
Similarly, when will I be able to use just one card to commute in Auckland, catch the slow train to Hamilton, and then trip around Hamilton on public transport.
How about my trips to Wellington, Christchurch, etc. When will NZ roll out one card for all.
While I like progress it seems that all of this drip feeding technology is costing mega millions with each incremental change. Would we be better off waiting and get the whole country to change in one hit?
Hmmmm – I see that my questions are covered further in the article.
Lesson – read it all before hitting the keyboard.
You will need to use your Gold AT Hop card to get Supergold concession/s until Auckland is part of the new system.
With regards to traveling on public transport services in other regions once the new national ‘tap & travel’ payment/ticketing system is completely rolled out by 2026/2027, you would need to have the ‘branded’ card.
The rollout of new national ‘tap & travel’ payment/ticketing system will start this year with public transport services in Canterbury switching to the new system later in the year. Wellington region and the 10 regions currently using Beecard (including Te Huia train) will switch to the new system in 2025 and Auckland will be the last region in 2026.
The current AT Hop system is being upgraded to allow Visa/Mastercard/Amex/smart device transactions in preparation for the new system.
By the way, Te Huia train is not slow as it have been clocked doing 108kph. It is only slow in Auckland due to AT Metro train issues and disruptions and the rebuilding of Auckland’s metro rail corridor for CRL.
Have had a person with a speed app on phone clocking it at 104 across the causeway between Parnell and Orakei . Also depends on the Driver as some put their foot down more than others .
I think the track condition south of Auckland is rubbish and is a speed limit.
RotoKauri- Huntly scheduled at 22 mins, ( Track distance 25km) =less than 70km/h
Te Huia usually arrives usually arrives 3-6 minutes depending on the driver before the schedule 12.07pm arrival/departure at Rotokauri.
The train to and from Hamilton takes around 2.5 hours. For an approx 120km journey that’s pretty slow in my book. I don’t care what the reasons are, track condition, other rail traffic, whatever. Its a slow train in any language.
If tou caught it you would the find the slow parts of the trip which is going through the Auckland network which can take up to an hour when it is slowed by all stopping Commuter Trains .
Instead of complaining without trying get on board and try the Train then you can say something . and the clown moaning in this has been doing the same before it even started and most of what he says is wrong ;-
It still takes over 1:30 from Papakura, it’s not just the Auckland metro network that makes it slow.
Commenting on how slow it is, is not the same as saying it should be canned. It actually get a decent amount of use given the time it takes, the obvious next steps are improvements.
Thank you Jezza for standing up for the Te Huia , what I hate are these that are always moaning about it but have never even stepped foot on it to see what it’s like .
Oh, wow. 104kph. And to think the Flying Scotsman made 160kph in 1934. Just 90 Years ago. I guess that’s progress for you
here is something that may hel you ;-
Yes I remember watching that and here’s the US company behind this system’s news release back in Oct 2022:\
Seems that company has done quite a bit of work on NZ and Australian defence communication systems.
As soon as I saw Michael Wood in that video I switched off. So I saw about 2 seconds of it.
I imagine that he would explain how I could cycle over the Harbour Bike Bridge, transfer onto Light Rail, and then catch the high speed trains to Hamilton, Tauranga, and points elsewhere.
Unanswered is how any of this impacts on the profitability of his Airport shares.
Give me a break,
Another that makes his mind by not reading/watching the full Item/article because there was someone/something they didn’t like .
I would rather use my HOP card. I can imagine people standing by and snatching your phone or card at machines. At least the damage if my HOP cars is stolen is limited.
Probably best to stay home at that rate. Not sure how anyone travels around London
But it also opens the path for wearables ….
We’ve currently got smart watches that can be used for contactless payment, and rings are coming….. using these to ride transit means you don’t even need to get something out of your pocket, its already there on your wrist/hand…
Considering PT is largely an honesty system anyway, why not just a simple app on your phone that you press a tag on / off button and it bills you? If an inspector comes onto a train or bus they ask to see your app and check the tag on time to ensure it was not just pressed. Spend that $500 million or whatever it is on more inspectors.
Make under 16s free and over 65s free, the majority of people in between would have a smartphone, the others can pay cash.
I feel like we are building a system for a time that no longer exists.
Cash has already been removed from the AT PT network. Cash will not return as a payment option.
The others can get an uber (oh they will need a phone) or a cab (will need a phone too).
I’m guessing that way more people have a smartphone than a HOP card or CC card.
You not only need a phone, you also need mobile internet.
I thought with most banks, if you get an eftpos card it can also do contactless payments now (it works as a VISA or Mastercard debit card). So contactless cards are probably pretty common by now.
It’s good to see this getting rolled out and in the new branded colour.
The greatest benefit of payment by credit card and phone wallets, in my opinion, will be casual & first-time users especially those from out of town and even more so from overseas for two main reasons:
1. You can jump on a service when you haven’t planned what or how you will do it, or with a group of others that don’t have HOP cards.
2. Visitors to Auckland (or NZ once the national ticketing system is rolled out) don’t have to worry about finding a HOP card & paying for it, and deciding how much to put on it. Too much is a waste, too little and you are stuck somewhere. The learning curve & preplanning is so much less. Think how much more a tourist is likely to use our PT system instead of just dialling up an Uber or similar.
Another benefit in general is if you forget to take your wallet with you, you might have the phone wallet option to use. This has happened to me a couple of times lately when out shopping by bike or car.
Agreed, they need to make PT accessible. Imagine if any private company required you to pay via their own card instead of credit / EFTPOS, they wouldn’t last long.
Looks like this thing the National Party (and others?) kept talking about removing leading up to the election that people didn’t perhaps even notice will now be noticed when they see the price show up on the reader or their HOP cards for themselves or their children top up more often.
By the looks of the new tag post AT haven’t advanced their thinking about the ergonomics related to tagging. Having a near flat tag area forces the user to hold a card awkwardly to make it work. TFL (London) have smaller raised pads which are easier and quicker to use. Also the hop card is very fussy and fails to work when there are any other RFID cards (credit, bank) anywhere. My work Gallagher access card has no problem with other cards.
“What is the impact on the speed of reading the credit cards/phones? Will it result in longer dwell times for buses?”
Dwell times not a problem as most big queues at buses etc are predominantly tertiary students or school children on concessions so would continue to use HOP (or new NTS card) by and large. Older (maybe slower) folk on concessions too. Generally I see people don’t really take advantage of the speed HOP provides anyway.
In saying that hopefully they will put some more tag posts at some high peak usage areas.
Agree with your other questions though.
Oh now I re-read I noticed:
“They do also say that when the NTS comes in it will enable concessions via contactless methods too.”
ahhh re concessions, found this on the NZTA website’s Frequently asked questions:
“This can be done by registering your concession card or attaching this to the bank card or transit card that you intend to use for travel on public transport.”
“Internationally concessions are generally not supported on bank issued cards so introducing this in New Zealand is a positive move as it makes the travelling easier for all transport users.”
I got a student discount on my debit/cc cards when using rail in Wales and TfL services in London. Its not hard to do and is quite common so long as the provider is happy to happy for the back end to be set up properly.
Greater Auckland, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Polynesia, Greenland, Europe, United States, Japan, New Zealand and Everyone, Son like NUMBER 1 with Greater Auckland, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Polynesia, Greenland, Europe, United States, Japan, New Zealand and Everyone:
NUMBER 1: Greater Auckland, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Polynesia, Greenland, Europe, United States, Japan, New Zealand, Everyone and Your Son, we all like the Most China rate dollar must be immediately down now forever about Most so very extreme Bad Mum’s Born Harbin China Die forever and including 15 List Country rate dollar down now forever: List 1 Mongolia, List 2 North Korea, List 3 South Korea, List 4 Taiwan, List 5 Hong Kong, List 6 Macau, List 7 Laos, List 8 Myanmar, List 9 Vietnam, List 10 Thailand, List 11 Cambodia, List 12 Philippines, List 13 Central Asia, List 14 South Asia and List 15 Western Asia.
Because it is Better for Greater Auckland, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Polynesia, Greenland, Europe, United States, Japan, New Zealand, Everyone and Your Son around the Whole World.
And So Greater Auckland, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Polynesia, Greenland, Europe, United States, Japan, New Zealand and Everyone, now go have a biggest fight to get all the money, everything and many more out from 26 Country List: List 1 China, List 2 Mongolia, List 3 North Korea, List 4 South Korea, List 5 Taiwan, List 6 Hong Kong, List 7 Macau, List 8 Laos, List 9 Myanmar, List 10 Vietnam, List 11 Thailand, List 12 Cambodia, List 13 Philippines, List 14 Central Asia, List 15 South Asia, List 16 Western Asia, List 17 Singapore, List 18 Malaysia, List 19 Indonesia, List 20 Brunei, List 21 East Timor, List 22 Southeast Asia, List 23 Micronesia, List 24 Melanesia, List 25 Australia and List 26 Africa into 4 Country List: List 1 New Zealand, List 2 United States, List 3 Europe and List 4 Japan for every month.
We were in New York a couple of months ago and one of the great things with their system is that you don’t have to double-tap your Apple Watch or phone to tag on to the subway, you just hold it against the reader and it automatically activates the gates on the subway. Makes it very fast to use. Also, so long as you use the same device each time, it caps the fares for certain useage settings on their network. Hope the Auckland ones will work similarly.
Will either the new AT contactless system or the NTS include “express mode” where your phone/ wearable can tag on/off without having to open the payment app?
Nothing to do with the topic but a headline from today.
“Green MP apologises for ‘physically intimidating’ MP in Parliament”
Did the Speaker feel it was intimidating for Doocey because of the suggestion from Member Genter that he read something and thereby be better informed? No one deserves for their ignorance to be challenged?
i bet all coalition ministers will read their reports from now on…
Have they come up with a stupid name for the national transport card yet? I don’t remember hearing one.
Motu Move and Piki Pass were the two options, only the Motu Move web domains were purchased so I assume that is what they went with.
wouldn’t that need to be “Move Motu” under the current crowd
They should have gone with kēkē card. Or kēkē keke which would be armpit cake.
How just AT justify bolding the Maori words whilst putting the English words in the thinnest font possible?
Not only is it a violation of Article 3 of the Treaty it is anti-white racist.
Where is the media when this out of control organisation is displaying such covert racism?
oh boo hoo. have a good cry about it, ya great big Dudley Dursley.
Is it really an issue Matt?
Having lived in Wales and spent a lot of time in Scotland and Ireland where the native language takes precedence over English, I think its great that we are now treating Māori as it should be.
I do think the Samoan and Tongan, and maybe even Fijian too, should be more common, especially in the greater Auckland and Wellington areas.
How are children going to pay? They don’t have credit cards!!
With HOP cards, parents could top up their children’s accounts. What is the intended system for children under this system? What about cultures who don’t believe in credit/loans. How are they going to be affected?
The article states that there will continue to be a pre-paid card.
If you read the article you might actually see the answers to your inane questions
Don’t be so mean, I’m sure they were so traumatised when they say photo showing te reo Māori that they couldn’t read further. Maybe a few weeks from now they will have recovered enough to read the rest of the article, but life is hard, so who knows?
Contactless credit/debit (payWave) cards and wallets (Apple & Google pay) in phones are additional to the normal prepaid cards we have now, ie the HOP card. HOP/Bee/Snapoer etc cards will then be replaced by the national ticketing systems replacement prepaid card.
Did we really approve $1B+ for a nationwide card for public transport.
Cheaper to make all PT free, and use the billion for taxcuts and landlord esteem issues.