Wayne Brown’s PT Plan

Yesterday the Mayor released what he calls his “plan to save public transport” which is part of his final proposal for the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP). This comes following consultation on the draft version that occurred in March which showed, once again, that people want more done on transport, especially public transport.…

On the LTP 2024 Feedback

A few weeks ago, Auckland Council released the results of consultation on the Long Term Plan (LTP) that occurred in March. With almost 28,000 submissions, it received the most feedback of any Auckland LTP. The consultation covered a wide range of topics soliciting feedback on different areas of council funded services and investment, as well as questions around the proposed Future Fund, the North Harbour Stadium and the Port of Auckland.…

Auckland Council’s astute feedback on the GPS

There are now only a few days left to give feedback on the Draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport 2024-34. See our earlier posts on GPS submission guides, and on the disparity between funding rail and funding RoNS. As we’ve reported, the GPS is a disaster for Local Government, so we’ve been particularly interested to hear Auckland Council’s take.…

New Life for Light Rail

This is a guest post by Connor Sharp of Surface Light Rail  Light rail in Auckland: A way forward sooner than you think With the coup de grâce of Auckland Light Rail (ALR) earlier this year, and the shift of the government’s priorities to roads, roads, and more roads, it would be safe to assume light rail in Auckland is dead and buried for the next decade.…

The GPS is a disaster for local government

One thing that’s not been reported much yet about the catastrophically bad draft Government Policy Statement released on Monday is what it means for local government around the country. Reading through the document, it was a bit surprising how little local government was mentioned at all – seemingly ignorant of the massive role district and regional councils play in delivering transport services and infrastructure.…

Will the 2024 RLTP be yet another debacle?

A couple of years ago, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport found themselves in court over the 2021 Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). A non-profit alliance for transport decarbonisation, All Aboard Aotearoa, argued that among other factors, the RLTP was unlawful because it failed to give effect to the 2021 Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) which focused on reducing emissions and tackling climate change.…