The National Land Transport Programme 2021-24

Yesterday Transport Minister Michael Wood and Waka Kotahi released the latest ingredient in the transport acronym soup, the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) for 2021-24. The NLTP sets how much will be invested in transport system over the coming three years and needs to give effect to the Government Policy Statement for Transport (GPS) which was confirmed about this time last year.…

August-21 AT Board Meeting

Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board meet again and here are the highlights from their board reports. Closed Agenda The agenda for this closed session contains a lot of rail related items. Items for Approval Rail Franchise – Procurement update – Our trains are currently run by Transdev and the company, or various iterations of it (Connex and Veolia) have been running them since around 2004.…

Regional Streets for People

Today, Auckland Council’s Environment and Climate Change Committee is meeting. One item on the agenda is titled the Regional Streets for People Programme. This low-budget Councillor-initiated programme deserves scrutiny because it offers opportunities for jump-starting climate action AND it reveals systemic barriers to progress.…

Setting of Speed Limits 2021

The Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2021 is under consultation. Submissions close tomorrow at 5 pm. We’re slowly seeing some reductions in speed limits in places, along with nice education material from Auckland Transport. Meanwhile far too little enforcement means some drivers are showing very little regard for safety and for others on or near the road.…

Climate Commission’s Advice and the Clean Car Programme

Earlier this year the Climate Change Commission (CCC) consulted on their draft recommendations to the government on how to meet our domestic 2030 and 2050 emissions targets. There was certainly a lot to be positive about in it, particularly the linking of transport emissions to urban form but at the same time we also felt they weren’t anywhere near ambitious enough around the potential role for mode-shift in helping to meet our targets.…


This is a guest post by Camilla Payne. Camilla is an Urban Planning student at the University of Auckland. In my life, I walk with my feet split between two worlds. One hearing world and one deaf. Sometimes I identify myself as deaf.…

New Zealand’s Input to the UN on Safety

In February last year, the Swedish Government hosted the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, at the request of the UN General Assembly. The conference culminated in the Stockholm Declaration, which resolves to strengthen efforts to improve safety. This declaration provides critical guidance for New Zealand as we strive to transform our transport system from tragically taking the life of one person a day, on average, into a system without death or serious injury.…