Downtown Podium

Precinct Properties released their annual report yesterday, and it included the first glimpse of what they are planning to replace the existing Downtown Shopping Centre. As also reported yesterday, the development appears to be on track to start next year and the construction will also include building the CRL tunnels in the basement.…

Auckland ‘Carmageddon’

We’ve written before about the construction disruption coming to central Auckland next year. In particular there are two big half billion dollar full block rebuilds in the Convention Centre and the Downtown development and associated tower, plus the City Rail Link early works, then there are numerous other office and residential towers due to start.…

A footpath to ride?

Last week I spent a few days on the Gold Coast and I wrote about their great new light rail system. While I was there I was also struck by a few other observations – in particular cycling. It started on the way from the airport when I noticed multiple large groups of teenagers all getting around on bikes – many of which were sit-up city bikes rather than BMX or mountain bikes.…