Photo of the Day: Vulcan Lane

Following on from this morning’s post on some of the central city Victorian streets I thought a little look back would be useful; so here is Vulcan Lane just before the City Council bravely excluded cars from it in 1968, as a result of a campaign by retailers in the area keen to improve its appeal as a shopping destination.…

Sharing SuperGold Subsidies

The issue of SuperGold subsidies has arisen once again, this time in relation to which operators should receive them. Waiheke Island’s new ferry operator says it cannot keep offering pensioners free passage without sharing a subsidy the Government pays its competitors.…

Aucklands Newest Bus Lane

The hits just keep coming from Auckland Transport this week with their latest announcement that as of Monday the city has a new bus lane. Travelling in the fast lane Auckland Transport’s (AT’s) drive to improve the speed and reliability of journey times across its frequent service network, takes another step on Monday morning with a new bus lane coming into operation in Symonds Street, shaving up to four minutes off the morning commute (20 minutes a week) of some 6000 passengers.…

On engineers, politicians, and pohutukawas

We’ve started off 2015 with some good transport news – the Government’s announcement of the first urban cycleway projects, including the brilliant Nelson St offramp project, and Auckland Transport’s interesting proposal for light rail in the old tramway suburbs. However, there is a big thistle in this bouquet of roses: AT’s proposal to cut down a stand of old pohutukawas to widen the St Lukes intersection.…

Reeves Rd Flyover dies

For the second time in less than a month Auckland Transport have been able to surprise and delight us with fantastic news. The first was the announcement they are seriously looking at light rail for the isthmus and now the wonderful news that they’ve killed the Reeves Rd Flyover.…

Upcoming seminar: New ideas in economic evaluation

Next Tuesday, the Government Economics Network and Auckland Council are hosting a seminar entitled “Economic evaluation in Auckland – new ideas and challenges“. It’s on a topic that I personally find very interesting – some readers may also be keen: Estimating the economic impact of transport interventions using the Gross Value Added approach.…

Thinking through ATs Light Rail plans

It seems that Auckland Transport’s plans to reinstall trams in Auckland down some of the major isthmus roads has already captured a lot of imagination with the public, hell even the Herald have been fairly positive about the suggestion. One aspect of the idea that seems to have been missed in some of the discussion so far is that Auckland Transport have been working on this for at least six months.…

Is light rail an Auckland transport priority?

This is a guest post from Donna Wynd. I have another post which will go up later today which I had been working on separately which will also address some of these issues. In a wonderful example of great moments in bad timing, Auckland Transport announced it was considering light rail on the Auckland isthmus the same day Mayor Len Brown launched Auckland’s draft Long Term Plan (LTP).…