The real surprise from the census data, part 2

Following on from a post here, I thought I’d take another look at the Auckland city centre’s population, now there is some more information available. 90 years of change in the inner city I came across a fascinating paper here thanks to one of the other bloggers – it’s a thorough exploration of the changing population and demographics of inner-city Auckland, including the suburbs.…

Uptown Pocket Park

Auckland Transport has been busy over the last few years buying up properties along the route of the City Rail Link in preparation for when the project will finally get the green light. Most of those properties are going to have buildings already one them however one site in particular has been an empty lot for many many years.…

The sticky mess of the transport budget

The big news that the Council will be pushing back its preferred start date for the main part of the City Rail Link was not a huge surprise – aside from the enabling works the project’s probably not practically ready to start so quickly, even if funding support was available from Central Government (which it’s not).…

Onewa Rd westbound Transit Lane

Auckland Transport have announced that they will finally add a transit lane westbound on Onewa Rd. The omission of a westbound transit lane has long been an issue so I guess it’s a case of better late than never. Congestion on one of the North Shore’s busiest roads will be reduced with the introduction of a T3 lane for westbound traffic on Onewa Rd during evening peak.…