PT Fare changes on the way

Auckland Transport have just announced a the results of their annual fare review. 2013 Annual Public Transport Fare Review Auckland Transport (AT) has completed its annual review of bus, ferry and train fares. An annual review of Auckland public transport fare prices is undertaken by AT in accordance with its service contract obligations with transport operators.…

Is the government trying to take over Auckland Transport?

In his column this morning, Brian Rudman covers an area we haven’t been paying enough attention to, how the changes to the Land Transport Management Act will affect the governance of transport in Auckland. Rudman starts out by explaining the situation: By sheer weight of numbers, elections are won and lost in Auckland, so it would seem suicidal for a government to declare war on a third of the population.…

Get Connected – Futures in Public Transport

Approximately two months ago we – being MRCagney and T2 – organised this careers evening at the University of Auckland. The success of the evening exceeded our expectations, at least in terms of the number of students who turned up. In fact we just about managed to fill one of the University’s larger auditoriums with a range of bright and sparkly faces who were evidently prepared to stay after lectures and listen to members of the “rusty and crusty” brigade.…

Fixing the Mixed Housing Zone – Split it in Two?

A lot of the angst over the Unitary Plan seems to have been directly at the Mixed Housing zone – which is the most extensive residential zone throughout Auckland in the Plan [covering around 49% of all residential zoned land]. While some of the fears are simply stupid as they seem to driven by people who think the only good plan is one the prevents any change happening anywhere [especially near them] but looking into the zone in a bit more detail seems to highlight that it isn’t really quite sure about what it wants to achieve and therefore probably both misses out in intensification potential in places where it does make sense while also tremendously ‘scaring the horses’ in places where intensification is probably only sensible at a fairly minor scale.…

Unitary Plan – Is there a devil in the detail?

This is a guest post from Andre de Graaf who is a principal at Construkt We are all still slowly digesting the ramifications of the Draft Unitary Plan and I suspect it will be a while yet before further scenario testing and some prudent ground “truthing” moulds the Plan into a mechanism that will allow the aspirations of the Auckland Plan to be executed in any real sense.…