A good nickname for a project/agency that you’re not particularly fond of can have devastating effects on whether that particular thing goes ahead or not – or at least how it’s viewed by the general public. As a case in point, if we look at the Puhoi-Wellsford road of national significance, the “holiday highway” moniker coined by ARC Chairman Mike Lee has proven very catchy, and has certainly got on the nerves of those most in favour of promoting the road.

So given the great unpopularity of the undemocratic transport agency that will soon be absorbing over half our rates dollars and running everything with anything to do with transport (well apart from the state highways and railways), I wonder if there is a good nickname out there for the proposed Auckland Transport CCO. I have a few possibilities:

  1. Wellington Transport. Given that it will be two government politicians who appoint the initial board of “Auckland” Transport, and given that the establishment of this agency has been very much driven by central government, rather than by Auckland, it could seem appropriate for for the agency to be named after the city that really controls it.
  2. The Steven Joyce Transport Agency (SJTA). As per above, this name could truly reflect who it will be accountable to.
  3. Auckland Roads. Given that the draft structure of this agency barely makes a passing mention of public transport, and also given who will be appointing the initial board – it’s a fairly safe bet that public transport will not be at the top of this new agency’s priority list – so perhaps they deserve a name that is more fitting with their role.
  4. The Secret Auckland Transport Silo. Makes reference to how the agency will not have to share any of its workings with the public, and also how it will be “siloed” off from the Auckland Council – a recipe for disaster in my books as I think greater integration, not greater separation, is needed between transport and land-use planning.

Surely there are some other options?

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  1. “Commission for Auckland Roads” (acronym, “CAR”)

    “Joint Auckland Motorways Management” (acronym, “JAMM”)

  2. I like your first one Ross. Regarding the second, it would be great, except the SJTA (probably my favourite nickname so far) doesn’t actually have any control over the motorways… unless one counts Nelson and Hobson Streets as motorways 😉

  3. HART – halt all rapid transit

    RABID – Rodneys Awfully Big Independent Disaster

    Failed Unaccountable Car Kraziness

  4. Well Hi Jarbury,

    Nice competition you have hear,

    Joyce Rail Roaders
    Central Auckland Roads
    Central Traffic Control
    Auckland Transport Power
    Corporate Traffic Control

    Auckland Slow Down
    Fumes Administration
    Central Fumes Administration
    Auckland Fumes and talk

  5. If Rodneys word stand, it could be called,

    Roads for a Day – RFAD

    Since they will be fired from day one and replaced,

    I bit hopefull, I know 🙂

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