On Self-Driving Cars

Over on dezeen there is a really interesting post by Dan Hill called “Self-driving cars are the answer- what is the question?” Basically you should all read the whole thing there rather than me sum it up but here’s taste:  Here we see such companies are not actually interested in genuine change, for all their bluster about “radical disruption”.…

Ponsonby Rd Masterplan Feedback Extended

*submissions open till September 16th*   Online form here, plan here, previous post here. Ponsonby Rd, the heart of my neighbourhood, isn’t bad, but I find it pretty difficult to argue that it is as good as it could be. Local retailers, cafe and restaurant operators, and building owners work hard on what they offer, including the physical qualities of their businesses, but the strip itself is pretty ordinary.…

Guest Post: The Value of Time

This is a guest post by Peter Nunns, an economist working in Auckland with an interest in transport past, present, and future. (Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are his personal views and do not reflect upon the position of any organisation with which he is associated or constitute professional advice.)…

Houston: We Have A Problem

One chart for all you Sprawlistas out there that keep arguing that Houston is some kind of role model for Auckland’s growth: From Wiki, here. I figure this is self-explanatory. The dispersed spatial pattern of Houston is the single most expensive and inefficient type of urban form possible, but it can function there because of a set of specific local factors, including that Houston is at the centre of a largely flat plain without geographical constraints like, you know, two harbours.…

Train, Bus, Tram, or Camel?

We get a lot of conversations in our comments that boil down to expressions of preference for particular Transit modes depending on people’s experiences and values. Those who are most concerned about the cost of infrastructure tend to favour buses, and those who value the qualities that rail offers feel the generally higher capital costs are justified.…