Weekly Roundup – 4-June-21

How is it June already?? Here’s our roundup for the week that was… and it’s a bumper edition, in honour of the long weekend. (Happy birthday, Your Majesty!) Liberate the Lane: managing traffic – and expectations Last Sunday’s Liberate the Lane rally (and subsequent bridge ride) attracted heaps of attention, which was precisely the point.…

Rethinking Albert Street

Continuing my recent look at how we might “rethink” a few major transport projects under development in Auckland, another that we should take a further look at is Albert Street. Albert Street is currently being ripped up as part of the CRL cut and cover tunnelling works.…

AT’s Albert St preliminary design

On Friday, Auckland Transport released some new images and a jerky video of their preliminary design for Albert St after the City Rail Link is completed. Improving Albert Street for pedestrians and public transport reliability are the top considerations in a newly-released concept plan for the busy central Auckland route.…

Porte Cochere 2 – Pedestrians 0

While looking at Auckland Transport’s website I found they’d uploaded a number of plans relating to the City Rail Link (the same place I saw the K Rd image from this morning’s post). One of the documents showed the plans for Albert St after the CRL has been completed.…