Single Stage Business Cases

Over the past five years NZTA has developed their “Business Case Approach” to guide transport funding decisions. In many ways this is a good process – it requires a clear articulation of the problems you’re trying to solve, how significant they are, what the desired outcomes are (and why) and then an evaluation of possible options and alternatives.…

Regional Rapid Rail – Hamilton Central Station

Last year we launched the Regional Rapid Rail concept, a staged approach to an inter-regional rail network in the upper North Island. The idea has proven popular and now forms part of the government’s transport plans. As you can see in the map below, Hamilton forms the heart of the Regional Rapid Rail network, and it will be important to the success of the whole concept that we get Hamilton right.…

Fixing Rail Congestion in Auckland

It has been known for a while what the major congestion points for rail that will not be fixed by CRL are: Westfield-Wiri where a third main (track) is needed as most Auckland Freight movements, as well as two passenger lines the southern and eastern share limited tracks in this section; Westfield Junction which suffers from many of the same issues as the above where a proposed “Westfield Lite” upgrade is proposed.…