Weekly Roundup 05-August-2022

Tēnā koutou and welcome to the first weekly roundup of August/Here-turi-kōkā. Cover image: Auckland’s newest TBM gets sent underground in style. The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post broke down the VKT reduction targets in the Emissions Reduction Plan. On Tuesday, Scott shared a Coalition for More Homes letter asking Council why planning for [underground] Light Rail appears to be getting in the way of denser housing where it’s needed on the Isthmus.…

Tunnel Vision vs the Big Picture

An interesting new recycled policy just dropped in the Auckland Mayoral race: reopening the Albert Park Tunnels. Auckland mayoral candidate Viv Beck is promising to resurrect plans for 3.5km of abandoned World War II air raid shelters under Albert Park, starting with clearing the main tunnel for pedestrians and cyclists.…

More Homes vs Light Rail

Last week, the Coalition for More Homes sent a letter that we really shouldn’t have had to write. But first, some backstory and some acronyms. Auckland Council is required to implement Government planning reforms called the NPS-UD and MDRS. The NPS-UD (National Policy Statement on Urban Design 2020).…

Why we need to reduce VKT

Back in May the government released New Zealand’s first ever Emissions Reduction Plan. This was an historic moment, finally a plan with legislative weight that will help guide how we can meet our climate commitments over time. The ERP confirms that transport needs to play a major role in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.…