A lesson from Indianapolis

At first glance, Indianapolis, a city best known for a car race, doesn’t have a lot that Auckland could learn from with regards to transport. Sitting on the plans of the mid-west, largely unconstrained by geography, the city of just over 2 million has sprawled in all directions to cover an area almost three times that of Auckland.…

Less Parking, Please

Parking is seen as a public good that should be supplied to everyone… Resistance to parking management is tied in a nostalgic way to “the good old days” and used as a form of coded language to complain about increases in population density or changes in community demographics or class structure.…

Sep-19 AT Board Meeting

Yesterday the Auckland Transport board met for their latest meeting. Here are the highlights from the various papers. Closed Agenda There was no closed agenda published this month. This is the first time that’s happened and I hope it’s not the start of trend as while there isn’t much detail released, it does at least help understand the things AT are discussing.…

Bridge Crash Chaos

Every day something goes wrong on our transport system somewhere. On our roads crashes and breakdowns are a daily occurrence while our rail network is not immune to faults and other issues creating delays. The impacts of these are often fairly localised but occasionally, if the incident occurs in just the wrong place and/or at the wrong time, it can become something much more serious.…

July-19 Ridership

For Auckland Transport, July marks the start of a new financial year with new targets to achieve. For public transport they’re off to a good start thanks continued strong growth we seen. The month also marks a year since the new network rolled out in Central Auckland (July 8).…