Long Term Plan Feedback So Far

The Council is currently consulting on the Long Term Plan (LTP) which is the city’s 10 year budget. A key discussion of this LTP is whether we should implement motorway tolling or increase Rates/Fuel taxes to pay all of the transport projects on the council’s plans – unless we want a scaled back and ineffectual transport system.…

Our Port and the Harbour

8-10am tomorrow morning there is a meeting organised by groups concerned about the lack of governance and oversight by Council over the Port Company. Whether you can make it tomorrow or not, if you agree that the Port Company needs more oversight and governance from the Council, visit this page and them them know.…

New and improved bus services for Stonefields and Glenfield/Beach Haven

This week Auckland Transport have made a number of changes to bus routes including introducing a new service. The major changes are on the North Shore with Birkenhead Bus services where the changes came into effect on Sunday. Key changes include additional trips and changed timetables that mean there will be services down Onewa Rd at least every 15 minutes all day, seven days a week.…

New details on ATs Light Rail plans

A presentation from Auckland Transport to the council provides us with a lot more detail about what they’re proposing with Light Rail and how it complements the CRL rather than competes with it. We’ve covered some of these aspects in other posts before but it’s worth highlighting some of them again.…

A Look inside the CRL stations

A presentation from Auckland Transport to the council gives us an update on the CRL glimpse inside the stations – along with more information on AT’s Light Rail plans which I’ll discuss tomorrow. As a quick update it notes that nearly 50 out of 70 properties needed have been purchased and that AT will start subterranean purchases this year.…

Pohutukawa Saved

The roller-coaster ride that has been the fate of the six Pohutukawa at the St Lukes intersection came to a head yesterday at the Auckland Transport board meeting where a decision needed to be made one way or the other on their fate. …

Aucklands first Bike Rave

We’ve seen it overseas and now it’s coming to Auckland – as a trial. Introducing the city’s first Bike Rave. We’re pilot testing a wee bike rave, so we can hold a bigger one later in the year. *Light* up your bike and come along for a night-time waterfront bike ride from Mission Bay to Wynyard Quarter (with a little add-on along the shiny new Westhaven boardwalk).…
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