Big city life? Challenges and trade-offs for Auckland

Big city life? Challenges and trade-offs for Auckland In a recent working paper, NZIER have analysed how economic welfare responds to changes in housing and transport costs in Auckland. Three policy scenarios were tested, specifically: An increase in land supply outside of the MUL by 20%; An increase in productivity in the housing construction sector; and A reduction in transport costs of 2%.…

Government Transport Hypocrisy

The announcement of funding for a whole pile of new motorway projects in last week’s budget has once again highlighted the hypocrisy the government shows over the funding of transport projects. First up here are the key parts to the government’s press release last week.…

HackAKL next week

Back in March we found out that Auckland’s first civic hackathon would be held and that the focus would be on transport. Auckland Transport are providing support for the event and opening up some of their data for the first time.…

AT’s tone deaf cycling video

One of the problems with advocating for improvements to cycle infrastructure is that many people only seem to consider cycling as something kids do for fun or that is done for sport by MAMILs (Middle Aged Men In Lycra). That’s why Cycle Action Auckland’s vision is Cycling in Auckland is an attractive, safe and viable every-day choice for all our communities.…

More detail on Queen Elizabeth Square plans

A week ago we discussed the possibility of the council selling Queen Elizabeth Square to Precinct properties and during the week the council debated it at it’s Development Committee allowing new details to emerge. The report that accompanied the discussion provides a lot of hints at what the thinking is around what this part of town could look like in the future, here’s the executive summary.…

Photo of the day: Bad Bus Lane

Bus lanes are generally fantastic in that they can allow buses carrying large numbers of people to move along a road without getting caught in congestion. The bus lanes added to Fanshawe St are a great example moving over 70% of all people on that road regardless of only accounting for 1/3 or less of the road space.…