NZTA spends $8m on RoNS promotion

A press release by Smart Transport notes some interesting information released to them under the Official Information Act: Over $8 million has been spent by the Government on promoting a series of wasteful motorway projects, according to documents made available through the Official Information Act.…

New T3 lane proposed for Onewa Road

An exciting announcement from Auckland Transport today: The Proposal Auckland Transport proposes to introduce a T3 Transit lane West-bound on Onewa Road at Northcote during evening rush hour traffic. Feedback is sought from the public. Introduction To meet the demand of forecasted growth in the southern-western suburbs of North Shore City, Auckland Transport is looking to future proof the local transport infrastructure.…

NZTA borrowing discussed further

A lot of discussion in parliament yesterday around the news that NZTA will be able to borrow money to a greater extent than it has been able to previously. It seems that Brownlee is playing down the impact of the proposed change – saying that it’s not much change from the status quo and perhaps even that the change is only related to changing the mechanism for funding toll roads.…

Gerrymandering the Central City

When discussing the pros and cons of projects like the City Rail Link or the shared space upgrades, it is almost inevitable that someone will question the value of spending such a large amount on the City Centre. While questioning any big expenditure is a good idea, the arguments are often quite insular and to be frank, a little selfish.…

Should NZTA be allowed to borrow for the RoNS?

A media release by the Green Party today noted that upcoming changes to the Land Transport Management Act (the bill was tabled in parliament today by the sound of it) will allow NZTA to borrow much more money than they have previously been able to: Having repeatedly insisted that there is no transport budget crisis, Gerry Brownlee is now seeking the power to borrow to build uneconomic motorways, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.…

Walking the talk – Analysing pedestrian mode share in Auckland

Some of my previous posts have considered how Auckland compares to the Netherlands in terms of general consideration for pedestrians. Based on the results of this discussion it seems fair to suggest that the largest divergence in engineering practices between Auckland and the Netherlands occurs in the following areas: Left-turning vehicles in Auckland are often provided with slip lanes that allow them to maintain high speeds even as they turn.…