Better transit maps

I have often moaned about the poor quality of the maps that we use for our public transport system. I mean just look at the map below – doesn’t it make your head spin:Part of the problem is undoubtedly the bus network – a complicated mess of routes, many of which travel higgledy-piggledy all over the place without much logic to them at all.…

More detail on the Auckland Plan’s transport decisions

As I have noted previously, the transport chapter of the Auckland Plan is a mixed bag. On the positive side it has some great goals – which talk about reducing car dependency, reducing the environmental impact of transport, boosting public transport patronage and modeshare, increasing the extent of the rapid transit network (RTN) and quality transit network (QTN) and so forth.…

Transport a major election issue

The latest media release from the Campaign for Better Transport discusses the role that transport could play in the upcoming election, as well as reminding everyone about the meeting of transport spokespeople this coming Thursday: The Campaign for Better Transport is picking transport to be a major issue in the forthcoming election.…

Thinking about urban limits

Hearings on the Auckland Spatial Plan have now begun, and over the next month thousands of Aucklanders will get the opportunity to elaborate on the submission they made. One of the most contentious issues up for debate will be the shape of Auckland’s future urban growth: should we grow out, should we intensify, should we have a mix of the two, what level of mix should we have?…

Hamilton-Auckland rail idea dead?

Some rather unfortunate news coming out of Hamilton today suggests that it’s now unlikely we’ll see a Hamilton to Auckland rail service proceed – at least for now: Hamilton City Council remains supportive of a commuter rail service between the city and Auckland, but believes the time is not right to fund it.…

Auckland Council’s first year

On November 1st last year Auckland Council came into being and we saw the seven former councils plus the Regional Council disbanded. It is interesting to note what I said on October 31st last year, looking ahead towards what this new era for Auckland would bring: Overall, thanks in large part to the results of the election a few weeks back, I now feel confident and hopeful that the local government amalgamation will turn out to be a good thing for Auckland.…