A few HOP observations

Well the HOP card has now been operational on Metrolink and Link buses for the past three days – including Queen’s Birthday when it first went live. I have a few observations and I’m curious about what observations and experiences others have had over the last few days if you’re a Metrolink customer, or the past few weeks if you use buses from other NZ Bus brands.…

How can we improve Mangere buses?

My post a few days ago on feeder buses highlighted a really interesting issue – how terribly slow buses are from Onehunga to the city centre, and therefore what a massive difference the Onehunga railway line has made to the trip times of people within walking distance of Onehunga and Te Papapa stations.…


I think we’re only just beginning to recognise the useful ways in which technology can be combined with public transport to both make the trip nicer and to also analyse the PT system and work out ways in which to improve it.…

Media on City Rail Link

It has been interesting to see the media’s response to last week’s release of the City Rail Link’s business case review. Initially it seemed that the reaction was quite negative towards the project – with many outlets reporting that it seemed as though the original business case had (in the words of Steven Joyce) “massaged the figures”.…

City Rail Link – where to next?

Later today (2pm in the town hall if you’re interested) Auckland Council’s transport committee will receive a report and presentation from Council and Auckland Transport staff on the City Rail Link project. Much of the documentation just a repeat of an earlier confidential report to the Transport Committee last month – talking about funding options and a possible consenting process for the project over the next few years.…

City Rail Link: Questions & Answers

A few commenters have been saying that to continue to build public pressure for the “City Rail Link” project, it’s necessary to articulate in layman’s terms the benefits of the project. This is particularly in terms of explaining its potential benefits for people who don’t live or work in the CBD.…

Population, cars and Public transport use (1920 – 2011)

From time to time I have a look around the Auckland Transport website to see if anything new and interesting is added. I decided to do that today and found this graph, it is showing the history of Auckland’s population, the number of PT trips as well as the total number of registered cars in the country as well as the number of new cars registered each year from 1920 through to 2011.…

Rail feeder buses

One of the main differences between the calculated benefits of the Ministry of Transport’s review of the City Rail Link project and the revised analysis undertaken by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport of the project depends on the extent to which many of the current “long-haul” bus services are turned into rail feeder buses.…