Submit on the 2012 GPS

Since the release of the “Engagement Document” for the 2012 Government Policy Statement (GPS) on transport funding I have written a couple of posts (particularly this one) on the document – and what I think of it. The Ministry of Transport have been pretty quiet about things (not surprising since I imagine they’re utterly embarrassed by it) but everyone actually has the opportunity to make a submission by May 27th.…

Big drop in car use

Somewhat unsurprisingly, rising fuel prices over the past few months have led to a fairly substantial reduction in traffic volumes on state highways around the country. NZTA’s April 2010 traffic volumes report (I am amused that the website still calls it the traffic growth section – it’ll take NZTA a long time to adjust to the new reality of stable or declining traffic volumes) confirms the numbers for April 2011 compared to April 2010: A pretty interesting definition of the word “growth” there.…

Fort Street: coming along nicely

With the Darby Street shared space now completed and open, it’s worth looking at the next major shared space that will be completed in the relatively near future: Fort Street. Work down there is coming along quite nicely: Fort Street is most definitely a bigger job than Darby Street was – as the road is much wider and also quite a bit busier.…

Why does Auckland hate pedestrians?

If there’s one thing that really annoys me about Auckland’s city centre it is how there are so many occasions when pedestrians get unnecessarily treated like rubbish. In the heart of New Zealand’s biggest city, with extremely high pedestrian flows and decreasing car numbers we still dedicate an enormous amount of space to cars.…

Darby Street: awesome

Darby Street is the first of the excellent “Shared Spaces” in central Auckland to have been completed. I took a wander around there at lunch time yesterday with my camera: I like the fact that the trees that the gutter create something of a boundary to where one would expect cars to be (so there is a place where you feel truly ‘safe’) but at the same time if you want to walk down the middle of the street then you also feel quite comfortable doing that.…