“Swap your HOP” confirmed

An article in today’s NZ Herald confirms that HOP cards will need to be changed over later this year to the new Thales system, enabling them to work on all buses, trains and ferries. Auckland’s “integrated” public transport cards, introduced in May with a $1 million marketing budget from the public purse, will have to be replaced because they are not compatible with a new system for trains, ferries and some bus companies.…

Tactics for the second HOP changeover

At the moment we’re going through a rather challenging process of changing over from Go Rider cards to HOP cards on all NZ Bus services. North Star buses swapped over a couple of weeks back, Go West and Waka Pacific will change over this coming weekend, while Metrolink and Link Buses will make the swap in a couple of weeks time.…

More HOP/Snapper confusion

There has been a lot of debate, discussion and distress in the last couple of weeks over the introduction of the HOP card. Another article, this time in the Dominion Post, highlights some of the problems facing the HOP card’s roll out over the next few months.…

HOP Answers

Last week I posed a few questions about how the HOP card would work – and in particular how it will integrate with the Snapper card system that it seems HOP will start off using. The reason I posed the questions was simply because I found the whole HOP launch very confusing and frustratingly lacking in detail about how it would work.…

Rudman sheds light on Hop/Snapper confusion

The launch of the Hop Card last week did seem rather odd, as it was accompanied by so many unanswered questions – particularly around its rollout timetable and how the Hop Card would integrate with the Snapper Card. While my questions remain unanswered by Auckland Transport, it would seem as though Herald columnist Brian Rudman has either had a bit more luck than me, or he’s managed to wade through the mess and actually work out what’s going on.…

Questions about HOP

As most readers would know, the future Auckland integrated ticket was launched on Monday – the HOP card. The NZ Herald seems fairly enthused about the prospects for the card: Auckland has been waiting many years for a public transport system with a transfer ticket.…

Changes to monthly GoRider passes

NZ Bus has announced changes to the way in which GoRider monthly passes work. Basically, monthly passes will no longer be validated in the machines, just shown to the driver – and that they will operate on a calendar month basis – rather than for a whole month since purchase date.…