Network not so frequent

Auckland Transport’s new network is still in the middle of rolling out, with the last two key urban areas still to go. The Isthmus routes are due to start 08-July and North Shore on 30-September. Where the new network has already been implemented, the results are looking positive.…

Auckland’s New Network — What comes next?

Right now Auckland Transport is in the process of implementing the New Network (NN). The NN is already operational in the south, and is being readied for implementation in other sub-regions as per the following timetable: West Auckland: mid 2017 Isthmus: mid-late 2017 East Auckland: late 2017 North Shore: early 2018 You can view the latest networks for each sub-region by clicking on the links provided at the beginning of this post.…

New Network niggles

The new bus network is the right approach but it will only work if implemented well. So far there are some positive looking numbers. Train boardings at Otahuhu and Manukau have increased, with Otahuhu doubling over the first three weeks of operation; Total transfers across South Auckland up by 147%, Bus/bus transfer up by 94% Bus/train transfers up by 207%.…

Riding the Southern New Network

This is a guest post from reader and friend of the blog, Shan L Although most southern commuters’ first experience of the New Network for South Auckland was on Monday morning, the go-live was on the day before – Sunday – when travel demand is much lower and any issues can be ironed out before the masses crowd on.…

New Network in South Auckland goes live Sunday

Over the last few years Auckland has ticked off some major public transport milestones. The roll out of HOP integrated ticketing (albeit with the black-listing issue), electric trains (albeit with the long dwell-times ), double-deckers (albeit with stubby bus lanes on Mt Eden Rd), and integrated fares (albeit only on train and buses at this stage) are all giant leaps towards the type of public transport network Auckland will need if it is to continue to grow and prosper.…