Trade over distance and the Auckland export paradox

What, exactly, does Auckland do to pay its way? Last year, I took a look at the geography of the New Zealand economy, finding that New Zealand’s three main cities accounted for at least 56% of GDP. Auckland alone accounted for at least 34% of economic activity – considerably more than the entirety of rural New Zealand: (By the way, these figures are likely to under-estimate the size and productivity of the Auckland economy.…

Building our way to affordability?

It’s logical that when housing supply does not meet housing demand, prices will rise. Housing affordability is a huge issue in many cities around the world – with the blame often falling on planning rules and restrictions: both in the form of restrictions on sprawl and restrictions on the level of intensification.…

Jane Jacobs on Downtown Planning

Courtesy of “Going Solar“, here are a number of extracts from an address made by famous urban writer Jane Jacobs, to the New York Motor Bus Association in 1958. 52 years later, her words still seem incredibly appropriate. I swing between being incredibly inspired and incredibly depressed by what Jane Jacobs writes.…