Wayne Brown’s expectations of AT

Last week, Auckland’s new Mayor, Wayne Brown, started a new trend by publishing a letter a day on various priorities of his, with mobile phone blackspots on Sunday, Three Waters on Monday and the Port on Tuesday. On Wednesday his focus turned to Auckland Transport, from whom he demanded a “complete change in approach“: “You appear to have been focussed on changing how Aucklanders live, using transport policy and services as a tool,” he wrote.…

Dear Wayne

Dear Wayne, Congratulations on becoming the third Mayor of Auckland. You have some big footsteps to follow. While voter turnout was unacceptably low – and you really need to work with government to change how local government elections work – there’s no doubt your call to “fix Auckland” struck a chord with many Aucklanders.…

2022 Council Election Results

After months of campaigning, debates, the elections are finally over. Here are the preliminary results some may change when the final results come in. Apparently today’s votes will be added in tomorrow and special votes on Thursday. Mayor Wayne Brown wins the mayoralty with 144k votes to Efeso Collins’ 90k.…

A Hollow Victory for Auckland Council

On Friday last week, the High Court released its decision on the All Aboard Aotearoa (AAA) vs Auckland Transport and Auckland Council judicial review. The topic was the decision-making around the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). This plan estimates its investments will lead to an estimated 6% increase in Auckland’s transport emissions by 2031, and that the Government’s clean car policy and shift to biofuels mean the final result will be a paltry 1% reduction.…

Luxon’s Subsidy Slip

National Party Leader Chistopher Luxon caused a stir yesterday after attacking public transport spending in response to questions from journalists. The case for ongoing public transport subsidies does not stack up, National Party leader Christopher Luxon says. As part of a package to ease financial pressure, the cost of public transport has been halved from April through to the end of June.…