Walk or cycle to breathe fewer pollutants

That walking and cycling is healthier for you than sitting in a car is not a surprising statement. But turns out that it’s healthier for you in another way. Stuff reports: British research has found that children driven to school breathe in the highest levels of noxious fumes per minute, with those walking, cycling or scooting on the footpath exposed to less over the same period of time.…

Waka Kotahi shows its true colours

Much like Auckland Transport did a year ago following local body elections, Waka Kotahi are showing their true colours by quickly cancelling pausing walking, cycling and public transport projects in the wake of the general election. Radio NZ reports: Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency) is putting on hold hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for projects designed to reduce New Zealand’s emissions through encouraging walking, cycling and the use of public transport.…

Flashback: How rail was saved in Auckland

Raymond Siddalls sadly passed away over the weekend. Raymond played a critical role in saving rail in Auckland so we thought it was worth once again running this post from April-2014 in his honour (with a few minor updates). Next Monday will be a historic day for transport in Auckland as for the first time the city will have electric trains carrying fare paying passengers.…

October-23 AT Board Meeting

Yesterday the Auckland Transport board met again and here are some of the highlights from it. Closed Agenda One of the things that’s been notable in recent meetings is that far fewer items are being put in the closed session – and consequently the open sessions have far more interesting papers in them.…