Park and Ride Shuttle

Auckland Transport started a unique park & ride and shuttle today in East Auckland. It’s something we first learned about in the board report last month. Auckland Transport will use the parking in Lloyd Elsmore Park for commuter parking with a shuttle to the Half Moon Bay ferry terminal for users to connect to ferries.…

Sunday reading 20 March 2016

To kick off Sunday reading here’s an interesting article by  transport professor Rachel Aldred. In “Getting people cycling on residential streets needs more than 20mph limits” she argues that enabling neighbourhood streets to support cycling takes much more than dropping the speed limits, it requires removing traffic.…

New Station Graphics

If you’ve caught a train recently you may have noticed a change to the shelters at most stations, the glass on the shelter walls has a new look to it. These have replaced the motifs that previously adorned many stations. From what I’ve seen  the new design seems to let in more light which is good and the company behind it say the pattern allows for better camera vision and that it does an excellent job of hiding scratch tags.…

A Seapath to ride

Yesterday the NZTA (and AT) published and later pulled down – although we already saved a copy – a newsletter giving details about Seapath, the walking and cycling route alongside SH1 between Northcote and Esmonde Rd and importantly linking into Skypath.…

ATs Transport Journey Video

Auckland Transport have released a new video with quite a neat visual style talking about many of the projects they’re working on to make public transport and active modes better. One aspect I quite like is that they talk about the capacity limitations of the traffic lanes as a reason why we need to invest in alternatives that can carry more people.…