Merry Christmas from Transportblog
Merry Christmas from all of us here at Transportblog. I hope everyone is able to enjoy the holiday season with family and friends.
While Santa didn’t bring us it for Christmas, I suspect tha during the next year we might see start to see the Congestion Free Network become more of a reality.…
Rail network shutdown to begin
Today is the last day this year you can catch a train in Auckland with the two network shut for Christmas tomorrow and then into the note annual Christmas shutdown. The full rail network will be closed till January 5th with partial closures depending on the line from then onwards.…
Summer in the City, and a look ahead.
A view from new Britomart bar and restaurant Ostro that seems to perfectly express the contradictory current phase in Auckland City’s development. What a great scene:
Sitting here amidst the sophistication of the latest addition to the our reborn downtown with all the perfectly prepared kai moana you could want, reassuringly expensive wines from every viticultured corner of the country, the cruise liners slipping around North Head, and the sculptural forms of the gantry cranes lined up and waiting patiently in the late afternoon sun like a row of giant robotic footmen, it is hard not to marvel at how lovely Auckland can be and at how far it has come recently.…
Will we achieve the lowest road toll in 60 years?
At 4pm tomorrow afternoon the official Christmas Holiday period starts and if everyone can drive well then we will end up with the lowest annual road toll since 1950. As of this morning the toll was sitting at 247 however as a comparison, at the same time last year the toll was at 300. …
November 2013 Patronage Results
The patronage results for November are out and they are an interesting mix. Here are the highlights according to Auckland Transport.
Auckland public transport patronage totalled 69,912,987 passengers for the 12-months to Nov-2013, an increase of +0.2% on the 12-months to Oct-2013.…
LA investment in PT is reducing driving
When we invest in good quality public transport, walking or cycling it is normally not about providing some sort of social service to those who can’t drive – either for age/medical reasons or that they simply can’t afford to. It’s really about giving people a choice in how they get around the city as in cities like Auckland far too often the only viable option is to drive.…
Another way of saying “Subsidy for Trucks”
The trucking industry love to act all virtuous when it comes to discussions about transport funding. Often, like in this press release claiming
Road users pay for the infrastructure they use and its maintenance through their petrol taxes, Road User Charges and registration fees.…
Waitemata Plaza Trial
Getting the most out of our waterfront is extremely important and it’s good to see that Waterfront Auckland are taking that seriously by trialling changes to Waitemata Plaza to make it more attractive.
Waitemata Plaza was built in the 1990s as part of the Viaduct Harbour development in time for the America’s Cup.…
Testing Auckland’s trains
One of the biggest developments that has occurred this year has been the arrival of our first electric trains. There are now four in the country and the depot is filling up so fast that in a few weeks time they will have to start storing the trains outside rather than keeping them wrapped up inside.…
Skypath Passed (and how it will connect)
As I’m sure you will all know by now, Skypath was discussed today at the councils Governing Body meeting. In the public part of the meeting there were talks from the: two concerned Residents Associations along with the Westhaven Marina Users Association
Skypath Trust and Cycle Action Auckland (thanks Ben for the shout-out)
Waitemata and Kaipātiki Local Boards whose areas are connected by the project As expected the first group spoke in opposition while the rest spoke in support.…
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