Antarctic transport policy?

Wow there’s so many bits of news I want to comment on today and I don’t have time for them all so as it kind of relates to my post this morning I’ll go with this one. In parliament today Green MP Julie Anne Genter asked Gerry Brownlee about his stance on emissions and transport.…

Paying for PT with exercise

I’ve talked before about how important I think it is that agencies like Auckland Transport attempt to make public transport fun.  Here’s a new example from Russia where in the lead up to the Sochi Winter Olympics some of the metro stations in Moscow are allowing people to pay for their train ticket by engaging in a little public exercise.…

The East-West horror show

Warning: if you have a weak stomach or scare easily then I’d recommend you don’t read on. As I noted the other day, there seems to really be a concerted push at the moment on the East-West link. It was a strong feature in the Project Auckland op-eds and was of course named as one of the key projects by the government back in June.…

We’re spending much more on fuel

Most people who drive will likely have noticed that the price of petrol in recent years has not exactly been as friendly on the wallet as it was a decade or so ago. In fact other than a three week stint in July last year where it only just dipped under, the average weekly price of regular 91 hasn’t been below $2 per litre since February 2011.…

Project Auckland op-eds

The Herald today has a large amount of op-eds on what is being called Project Auckland which is looking at how Auckland is going to develop and as you would expect, housing and transport features very heavily. Op-eds include Len Brown: Down to business Lester Levy: Single focus sets city on the road to success Liam Dann: The stalemate is cracking at last Tony Garnier: 2014 a pivotal year for Project Auckland Package solution for transport projects Kim Cambell: Business-friendly city a must for jobs Michael Barnett: Auckland needs a team of champions The debate over change Matthew Heal: Lessons to be learned from London Olympics Robert Jones: ‘One plan’ a mature approach Mark Smith: Migrants find much to offer here Housing partnerships provide golden opportunity Now I’m not going to comment on every single article but rather some of the general themes within them, although I will pick out a few individual comments that have annoyed me (as I seem to be in a grumpy mood today which is quite unusual).…