Why T2 lanes can be stupid

Just under a month ago I blogged about the spreading T2 lane disease, and the fact that North Shore City Council were considering destroying the highly successful Onewa Road transit lane by allowing vehicles with two occupants, rather than just buses and vehicles with three occupants, down the transit lane.…

Removing/Narrowing Roads

The discussion about Danish architect/urban designer Jan Gehl that resulted from my blog post the other day got me thinking about how we could give effect to his plea to “halve asphalt in the CBD in the next 10 years”. Some changes that he specified seem obvious: pedestrianising parts of Quay Street and narrowing Queen Street (although until we have built the CBD rail tunnel I’d actually probably leave Queen Street as is but turn two of the lanes into bus lanes), but what about beyond that?…

Onehunga Station stuff-up

At times I do wonder why it’s so damn difficult to get public transport projects in Auckland right. After the numerous stuff-ups that surrounded the opening of the Newmarket station, we’ve had a reasonably good run in recent times (although the huge celebration to open the partially finished extension to the previously upgraded Kingsland station was a bit strange).…

Holiday Highway: the 2008 study

As I hinted at in yesterday’s post on the Puhoi-Wellsford “holiday highway”, the most recent studies into the cost-effectiveness of this project are not the only ones ever undertaken. In fact, back in 2008, Transit New Zealand (as NZTA were then) undertook a strategic level study into the necessity of future upgrades to both this stretch of state highway one, and any upgrades that might be needed to state highway 16 in the future.…

Transport CCO must do urban design

Reading today’s article about Jan Gehl got me thinking about how all the cool things he proposes might actually happen in the brave new world that is the Auckland super city. While a lot of people call Mr Gehl an architect, urban planner and so forth (inspired genius is what I tend to call him), what I think is probably the most appropriate job title for him is “public space urban designer”.…

Jan Gehl – the urban genius

A very interesting article in the NZ Herald today about Danish urban planner Jan Gehl. Gehl is the type of urban planner we need a lot more of in this world – concerned about humanising spaces, creating areas that are friendly for people, reducing auto-dependency, and above all – looking to make our cities nicer places to be in: surely what all urban planner should aspire to.…

Why is the Western Line so slow?

Yesterday I caught up with a bunch of fellow transport enthusiasts and we all trundled out to Swanson Station, near the end of the Western Line, to have lunch. It was a good chance for me to actually see all the Western Line (with day-passes we all caught the train out to Waitakere station after lunch and then rode it back to town), as I hadn’t been past Henderson in a great number of years.…

Peak Car?

An interesting blog post by David Metz, author of the very very good book “The Limits to Travel“: I read with interest Phil Goodwin’s Comment piece in Local Transport Today of 25 June in which he introduced the concept of ‘peak car’, and look forward to his promised further exposition.…