Super City Election Results

As of now we’re about 40 minutes away from midday, when voting will close in the election of the first Super City. Most of the votes have been counted already – so I assume that unlike general elections when the results trickle in throughout the evening, this will be a big “bang” of results.…


Tomorrow will be a very significant and important day in the history of Auckland – being the day that we first have a Mayor of the new “Auckland Council” and a council itself which represents the whole of the Auckland region – rather than a fragmented system of local government that has plagued the city forever.…

Surely a joke?

I read this press release from Colin Craig, distant third-place runner in the race for super city mayor, with some amusement – but also a bit of fear that someone might take his public transport ideas seriously. It is tempting to not give such silly ideas any life by giving them coverage – but I just can’t help myself pointing out how silly this is.…

Herald finally ending its ignorance of rail?

You would think that when a survey of voters in the Auckland region highlights that transport is the most important issue in their minds, and then also highlight various rail projects as those considered most necessary by voters to “fixing” the transport problem, our main newspaper might actually do a bit of investigation into the projects being talked about?…

Auckland demands rail improvements

A fascinating article in the NZ Herald today, based on a survey that asked people what are the most important issues that will determine how you vote in the upcoming “Super City” elections. Here’s an extract: Auckland is waiting. On the gridlocked roads, on the railway platforms, at the bus stops, the residents of the new Supercity are waiting.…

Auckland Transport finally has a CEO

The Auckland Transition Agency is finally got around to naming an interim CEO for the Auckland Transport council-controlled organisation, which is only a couple of months away from coming into existence. Rumours had been flying around that we might get some high-flying transport visionary from overseas, but that hasn’t happened.…