Melbourne gets it….

If you read the following about the land-use planning policies of the Victorian state government, in relation to Melbourne, what would you guess their politics to be? The… government is considering plans for a carbon-neutral, high-density suburb of 12,000 on Footscray Road, in West Melbourne.…

PT-washing: not just an Auckland disease

Reading through NZTA’s completely mental motorway plans the other day got me thinking about a phrase that often comes to mind when dealing with NZTA: and that is “Public Transport-wash”, or PT-wash. It’s a phrase that I think I came up with last year – playing off the term “greenwash” – to describe the process by which NZTA (or other agencies) emphasises the minuscule public transport aspects of a largely roading project, or a transport policy document, in order for it to gain wider support.…

PT doesn’t have to be a left/right issue

One of the more disappointing things about Steven Joyce’s reaction to the CBD Rail Link business case is how political he has made the issue of transport funding. As I noted in my post a couple of days back – the integration of land-use planning and transport is being increasingly understood (they’re mutually dependent in many respects), just that Joyce comes out on the side of preferring auto-dependent urban sprawl to a public transport based compact city urban strategy.…

Should we “prettify” our motorways?

An interesting discussion on my post about turning Nelson and Hobson streets into two-way boulevards probably needs a post of its own I think, and that is the issue of whether it’s a good idea or not to try to “prettify” our motorways through various sculptures, patterns in the concrete and so forth.…

Victoria gets it…. why don’t we?

The latest edition of the excellent Going Solar transport newsletter outlines a new piece of legislation that the Victorian State Government in Australia has passed to ensure a better and more integrated approach to transport. The Transport Integration Bill is briefly outlined in the Going Solar Newsletter – as shown below: There are a number of very very important steps that Victoria is taking to ensure it gets the best transport and land-use outcomes.…