Transport Blogosphere Roundup

Who’s talking about what in the amazing world of the Transport Blogoshpere? New Green MP Gareth Hughes has hit the ground running and has indicated he will be doing a series of posts on Auckland’s public transport system on Frogblog On Auckland Trains, AKT, Jon C has reported that motorcyclists will have to pay the same toll as cars to use the Northern Gateway, between this and ACC motorcyclists can’t catch a break Jarrett from…
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An introduction…

Hi all, Joshua has kindly given me a login for the blog so that I can join him and Jeremy in making regular posts on transport topics. It is probably a good idea that I introduce myself as you may be seeing a bit more of my thoughts in the future, so here goes: My name is Nicolas Reid, some readers may know me as Nick R from the comments  pages, the CBT forums and various other blogs.…

Buses vs Trams vs Trains is a stupid debate

A couple of days ago I was reading through the comment of an interesting post on “The Transport Politic” blog about Los Angeles, the same post which inspired my post of a couple of days ago about how Auckland’s relatively dispersed employment patterns (which actually may not be as dispersed as we thought) doesn’t mean that public transport can’t work here – as is slowly being shown in Los Angeles.…

Public to be locked out of transport information

A pretty scary article in today’s NZ Herald about the secrecy that will surround the operation of “Auckland Transport”, should it be established by the Local Government (Auckland Law Reform) Bill: Secrecy to shroud transport plans By Bernard Orsman 4:00 AM Friday Feb 12, 2010 The directors of the Super City transport authority will make decisions on everything from major new roads to local footpaths – behind closed doors.…

Why I care about transport

It’s interesting to see the variety of people who end up being “transport advocates”, “transport geeks” or just interested in transport issues. From the people I know interested in transport matters we have a software programmer, a police forensics expert, an accounting student and a radio marketer (among others).…

Me vs LibertyScott (or, why I support public transport)

Libertarian blogger LibertyScott ‘kindly’ did a post about this blog last week. LibertyScott has been a regular commenter on this blog over the past few months, and actually is one of the commenters I value most – because he really makes me think and doesn’t simply agree with everything I have to say (not that I don’t like people agreeing with what I say, it’s just good to have your thoughts challenged intelligently).…

Suggestions welcome!

This blog really seems to have taken off in the last few weeks, especially in terms of people making comments – which is great as I really enjoy replying to them and fine-tuning aspects of what I’ve said in my original post.…