It may have been a short week but there’s been no shortage of things that caught our attention. Here is some of the most interesting.
This week in Greater Auckland
- On Tuesday Matt took a look at public transport ridership in 2024
- On Thursday Connor asked some questions for the government on speed limit increases
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Fares up from Sunday
Public transport fares are increasing from Sunday, which also includes removing the off-peak discount that currently applies.
Starting 2 February, Auckland Transport is simplifying its zone systems and fare structure across buses, trains and ferries – the biggest change since 2016.
There will be fewer zones to simplify the system, which will also result in fare decreases for some travellers, particularly those travelling the longest distance, however the annual public transport fare adjustment means there will be an increase in many fares, ranging between 15 and 25 cents for each bus and train journey, or 20c to $1.40 for ferry journeys or a weighted average 5.2%.
AT Director Public Transport and Active Modes, Stacey van der Putten says this annual review of public transport fares is needed to offset substantial increases in operating costs.
“We know any increases add to people’s cost of living and so these are carefully considered, however the cost of running, maintaining and investing in Auckland’s public transport network is also increasing and we need to keep up with this,” Ms Van der Putten says.
“During the COVID-19 pandemic we had two years when we didn’t increase Auckland’s public transport fares despite a sharp increase in operating costs and we’re now effectively playing catch-up.
“When we consider fare changes like this, we aim to strike a fair balance between the share of public transport costs our passengers pay and the share paid by ratepayers and taxpayers. Alongside this annual fare adjustment, we will continue to investigate options to increase public transport income from commercial sources other than fares.
“Increasing non-fare revenue is something the government expects from public transport authorities like Auckland Transport, along with a gradual increase of the share passengers pay towards overall public transport operating costs.
“It is also important to note the HOP card $50 7-day fare cap remains unchanged. We have approximately 25,000 customers who are close to reaching the $50 fare cap each week and this may help mitigate some of the cost increase for those frequent bus, train and inner harbour ferry customers,” Ms Van der Putten says.

Along with the fare changes they are also making some tweaks to the fare zone structure which will only impact people making trips from rural areas.
On February 2 Auckland Transport will also implement structural changes to Auckland’s public transport fare system, simplifying the fares passengers pay when they travel on buses, trains and ferries.
As part of this package of fare structure changes AT has already implemented the $50 7-day fare cap, and with the upcoming fare changes, some Aucklanders will actually see their bus and train fares reduce, even once the annual fare increase is taken into account.
Overview of the structural changes
Fare zones simplified – across Tāmaki Makaurau the number of fare zones will be consolidated from 14 to 9. Eight zones will be combined into three new zones. The following outlines the new zones:
- East Coast / South Rodney zone is created by consolidating Helensville, Huapai, Hibiscus Coast and Upper North Shore zones.
- Northern Manukau zone is created by merging Manukau North and Beachlands zones
- Southern Manukau zone is created by merging Manukau South and Franklin zones

Rail Network finally back and Pukekohe reopens
Some parts of the rail network were operating again this week, albeit at a reduced frequency. From Monday all services will be back to normal, though hopefully we don’t have any more issues like happened this week – I’m not sure we’ve had a day one after a long shutdown that hasn’t had issues.
The big change though will also be that Pukekohe finally reopens and will be serving passengers again, this time on electric trains. Services are running roughly every 20 minutes from Pukekohe throughout the day.
Te Huia will also now stop at Pukekohe but is dropping Pakakura from its timetable.
Of course there will be many more network closures in the year ahead as Kiwirail try to get the network ready for the City Rail Link.
Note there are also new rail timetables for all lines and it appears they’ve padded them out again with journey times two minutes longer than they were before the shutdown.
Let’s get more kids walking to school …..
School’s nearly back, and the dreaded morning congestion returns as children head to class by car, bus, ferry, bike, and foot. Despite a push for walking and public transport, more than half go by car – whether as passengers or behind the wheel themselves, Kirsty Wynn reports.
Miller said if there was a safe way to cross the busy road and a group of children and an adult to supervise she might let Talia walk.
“We have stood at the main road trying to cross to the pedestrian bay and it can be five minutes or more before there is a break in the traffic,” Miller said.
“The closest pedestrian crossing is a good five-minute walk in the opposite direction.”
An Auckland Transport spokesman said no new pedestrian crossings were planned for Queen St in the Pukekohe Hill School area.
The new moral panic
How horrible, the kids are riding their bikes to the beach. The local Audi dealerships must be mortified.
It’s just after 2pm on a scorching hot day at the tail end of the school holidays but there’s an unusual sight at a bustling Sydney beach.
Seven flashy electronic bikes – conservatively valued at over $20,000 in total – are propped up against a wooden barrier outside North Narrabeen surf club.
None of the e-bikes are locked up and the owners, a group of teens no older than 14, are all splashing about carefree in the water 100 metres away.
The extraordinary photo sums up a new teenage fad that’s drawing attention to a wealth divide in some of Australia’s most affluent coastal neighbourhoods.
It’s becoming increasingly harder to ignore the e-bike phenomenon, which has exploded on the scene in wealthy, seaside suburbs in the last 12 months.
Spend a day in the sun along Sydney’s northern beaches, and you’ll see dozens of kids cruising along the esplanade or the footpath on a DiRodi or Ampd branded bike.
Open for growth, just not in my neighbourhood
The Spinoff brings the receipts on prime minister Chris Luxon after he called for New Zealand to stop saying no to growth.
For an example of just how pervasive this “culture of saying no” has become, consider the Quarterdeck complex. A developer, Box Property, purchased a disused service station in Cockle Bay, Auckland, and planned to transform it into a modern townhouse complex with 70 homes in buildings ranging from two to four storeys. It would have stimulated economic growth by providing much-needed housing in east Auckland and added more customers for local businesses. The construction itself would have created 177 full-time equivalent jobs over two years.
It was exactly the kind of economic growth opportunity Luxon extolled in his speech. But the Cockle Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association said no. They raised concerns about too many cars parking on the street, so the developer included 102 basement car parks. Then, residents worried about increased traffic. Later, the residents’ group shifted their argument to suggest (with little evidence) that the pipes wouldn’t be able to handle wastewater from another 70 homes.
The local MP joined the residents’ association in opposing the development, launching a campaign to block it. For him, it was a nostalgic cause; he had attended primary school just across the road from the derelict service station. “I remember this place really well,” he said in a Facebook video from 2020, warning residents of developers who wanted to “plonk multi-unit dwellings” in their neighbourhood. “There are other parts of Auckland that make sense for us to put higher-density dwellings into… this is an area that should always stay a single-dwelling zone”. He praised the residents’ association for their anti-growth stance, declaring, “They’ve been doing a great job fighting back on this. They deserve a medal.”
That MP’s name, in case you hadn’t already guessed, was Christopher Mark Luxon.
Stadiums getting louder
As predicted in our post wrapping up 2024, with a decision due is in March on the council’s preferred option for a future stadium we’re going to start hearing a lot more about them as the two rival bidders hope to generate public interest in their plans. That kicked off this week with an article from Radio NZ.
It is, says Shane Henderson, an argument for the ages. It never seems to quit. How long have Aucklanders been feuding about stadiums? “It began when the dinosaurs died out,” jokes Henderson. For the past year, he’s been chairing a working group that will make the decision on Auckland’s stadium future. That group whittled four options down to the current two, eliminating a sunken waterfront stadium, and another based in Silo Park.
He’s doing this because Wayne Brown asked him to. “The mayor said, ‘We need to say to the public, ‘This is our preferred option for a stadium for the city.'” It’s taken over Henderson’s life. Every summer barbecue has turned into a forum for people to share their views. “People say, “Why don’t you do this?'” he says. Henderson won’t be drawn on which way he’s leaning ahead of March’s decision, but he’s well aware of the stakes. “We’re talking about the future of our city for generations to come,” he says. “It’s natural feelings are going to run high.”
That’s true. As I researched this story, the main parties engaged in a back-and-forth discussion that became increasingly heated. Jim Doyle, from Te Tōangaroa’s Cenfield MXD team, described Eden Park’s situation as desperate. “Eden Park can’t fund itself … it’s got no money, it’s costing ratepayers,” he said. Doyle alleged the stadium “wouldn’t be fit for purpose”. “You’re going to have to spend probably close to $1 billion to upgrade it.” Asked what should happen to Eden Park should the decision go Te Tōangaroa’s way, Doyle shrugged his shoulders. “Turn it into a retirement village.”
Have a good weekend.
The place for a stadium is Manukau. Behind MIT, there is plenty of space for a compact stadium (no cricket).
This spot has great PT, easy access to the aiport, seas of parking (if you like that), has two motorways. It is also reasonably non residential.
But nah, let’s not even consider options outside of central Auckland. Going to be great to see either 100 million gone on a footprint or the effective removal of scarce public land.
It needs to be central so it is closest to everyone. Building it in Manukau makes it a long distance from people in the North and West. It would be as useless as North Harbour stadium.
Redevelop Mt Smart/Penrose into a sporting Hub with a new, better placed, station. Trains from the north, east, south and west, as well as Mayor Browns Avondale to Southdown line or an expanded Onehunga Line. Bus and car access down SH20 and SH1, space for (limited) parking.
Upper north shore can come via UHH and WRR by bus/car, lower north shore via a bus/ferry-to-train change at Britomart. Eventually there will be a north shore rail line making that seamless.
Incorporate a public park, office and residential developments for a new town center.
But let’s face it; we are going to get Eden Park and it will never be what they promise in the brochure. First casualty will be the roof. The least they could do is scrap the 12 concerts a year rule.
To clarify, I prefer Quay Park because of the transformational effects it will have on that area. Still hold out hope that of EP wins, Bill Foley will build his AFC stadium somewhere down there. That’s likely to have more events than EP/Quay Park, as well as a smaller footprint.
I’m getting pretty tired of hearing about this “unused railway land” that they reckon they’re going to build their stadium on. It’s only the busiest railway junction in the country, terminus for two inter city services and a stabling yard for $80million worth of EMUs every night.
I thought the reason for kicking speedway out of Western Springs was so that Auckland FC could build their stadium there?
Am I the only one who thinks that we already have several perfectly good stadiums and that the money could be used for other more urgent things? Like decent rapid transit?
Why would private money be spent on rapid transit?
If they can make a decent business case why wouldn’t it be? The NZ Superfund etc. had one and tried to do it earlier, but didn’t get it over the line.
And this stadium will involve ratepayers paying vast sums of funds, despite the assurances to the contrary.
I think David’s comment inferred that public money was being used to build a new stadium and so, there were other choices. In terms of private money for investments, there is plenty around to do both. The two stadium bidders say they have backers, the LR had private backers as well. Put up a good proposal and you can have both.
And I don’t know about “vast sums”. They can just turn down the two offers if its more than they are paying now. Remember, its the two bidders who want to build this, not the local or central government.
Its why I expect EP to get the nod because QP will involve work on Quay St and the rail lines and that will be pushed to Council, who will give it the flick. And when EP wins practically by default, we will get a tarted up version of what we have now, not the flashy 2.0. If your competitor can’t get their bid off the ground, why bend over backwards to change your corporate structure to accommodate 100s of millions in private funding when you really don’t need to do anything to improve?
As one critic pointed out about EP’s proposal for a bridge over the train line, they promised that in 2011. Still waiting…
Yes they have backers but they will both want the Council to underwrite the whole thing. Every time the public purse gets fleeced by these types of shysters. Every time. This will be no different.
Every 20 minutes from Puke is actually incredible frequency considering how far out it is
Imagine if we had that kind of rail frequency from Helensville, Silverdale, Howick/Beachlands as well
20 mins is good, considering 20+ years ago it was like a couple of trains a day.
But 19 minutes Pukekohe to Papakura is not good.
Are they allowing for the three new stations when they are
operational ?
I tell you what, after living in Pōkeno for nearly a year and having to go reasonably often into the Otahuhu and East Tāmaki area….19 minutes is a godsend.
It use to be under 17 mins with DMU shuttles
Not saying the journey will be 20 minutes. They’re saying frequency will be every 20 mins.
The new fare zones are rather annoying to me. I live in East Coast and work in Isthmus (30km distance), so no major changes for me other than costing an extra 50c per day. My boss lives in Pukekohe, which is 50km. He’ll be 3 zones and so cheaper than my shorter commute.
I could go via Westgate, if I wanted to spend all day on PT – that would be only 3 zones.
50c per day? Diddums. You can afford that.
I’m not complaining about the price rise, but rather that the further distance is cheaper.
You’re clearly a below average human.
Hopefully you and boss will both be saved by the $50 weekly cap.
Stadium debate: have they sorted out what is happening with cricket yet? Almost every city and town in NZ has somewhere decent to play and watch cricket, except for the biggest city.
Its a shame nobody seems to be talking about utilising the Eden Park No. 2 field for test matches. Beautiful ground, which could be enhanced to cater to test crowds if they shifted Sandringham Road to the West (closer to the railway line).
Or have stands to the North and South and eat into the carpark a bit
Yeah, its too small these days.
Auckland Cricket are moving to Colin Maiden park and are spruiking that as an international venue, but no one else is buying it.
There is a campaign to have a temporary arrangement at Victoria Park, like the arrangement at Hagley:
I suppose if Quay Park is chosen for the main stadium, you could downside EP (bring down all but the South Stand) to make a boutique cricket ground. I’m just not sure if it would be financially viable.
There should be a rule that parking charges go up each year by at least the same percentage as the PT fare increases. That should be the absolute minimum in a climate emergency!
Yes – it’s all part of the same economy.
I will be interested to see how regularly congestion charging is increased, if we ever get it in.
Is the Stadium going to turn into a Mayoral Election shouting-match distraction? Where is best for a major concert venue with occasional sports use?
That Sydney article is such a sourpuss, misery-guts piece of tripe.
Imagine training to be a reporter, working hard to join a major paper…and then being paid to write articles that systematicall extract the joy from life.
Something like: “Kids in well-off Sydney neighbourhood travel independently to surf at a beach that is so crime-free that they can leave their e-bikes unattended” would be more accurate and it might even make people feel good. What a concept!
Sounded a lot like Bernard Osman.
Those ferry fares are so expensive now – would be interesting to see numbers especially in Birkenhead where it feels like it has plummeted.
With all the busses going from the top of Onewa Road or Highbury to Britomart (and the universities), the potential ridership of the Birkenhead ferry is extremely limited. As much as I like the concept of the ferry, it is currently not an important piece of transport in my opinion.
If you can it though, there will be people affected by having worse PT options so that sucks, too.
Totally agree, the Onewa buses are some of the best in Auckland. Ferry is now more a sightseeing route unless Hinemoa st gets some proper density along its spine (which will never happen with the “heritage” brigade)
IMHO the Birkenhead ferry should just be a stop on the Hobsonville run, which goes past anyway.
It would add a few minutes for trips from Hobbie but save a whole boat and crew at Birkenhead. Plus you could use it to travel fro m Birkenhead to Hobsonville.
I lived in Birkdale a couple years ago and the only circumstance in which I would have thought about taking a ferry was if I really needed to take a bike over the bridge.
I have often wondered how a harbour circular route (in either direction) would work. Getting from Devonport to Hobsonville Pt by ferry would, outside of driving, probably be the quickets mode. But the missing piece is a stop between Downtown and West Harbour.
Te Atatu penisnular would be great but I think because its tidal, its hard to access.
A circle route would work badly. Commuter Waka says 6 people go from Hobsonville Point to Devonport and none the other way. A circle would be a longer trip for most people and better for almost nobody. Ferries have to be direct to have any chance.
Circle routes feel like they’re good for connectivity but if you work out the actual time and distance involved in going around the loop, most of the trips are useless (especially if it’s only one way).
You could interline the schedules to give the same sort of connection much more efficiently. Say the inbound Devonport boat continues to the outbound Hobsonville service, so you could just stay on board.
AT are bringing in their EMU’s by the Dozen
Is there a stadium in Auckland, for that matter NZ, that makes a profit?
The Waterfront or Quay Park seems a waste of those areas given a Stadium is inward focused and most of the time empty, not available for public use.
Does a road, rail line, swimming pool, library, public park make a profit? I guess the difference with these stadiums is, they’ll be privately funded, for the main part.
And on Quay Park, anything has to be better than what is there now. But the stadium is the anchor of a wider regeneration of that area to include commercial, residential, hotel and hospitality. Your point on the inward nature of stadiums is not wrong though.
They are never privately funded in the main
This one will be. Or nothing happens. What’s lost in all this is, it’s not really a Council initiative. They have merely asked the proponents to put up or shut up. Will it be at “no cost to ratepayers” as they say, if something goes ahead? I doubt that. But relative to the cost of the build it would be small.
My guess is we won’t get anything except for a minor tart-up of EP. QP will be too expensive and need too much local and central government money (that’s not forthcoming) for road and rail changes in the vicinity. EP won’t have a compelling enough case for private money and when it’s obvious QP is out of the running, why would they need to do anything substantial, as the last one standing?
Man our PT is bloody expensive no wonder so many drive the moment you have more than one person in a car it almost immediately balances out the cost.
Warning: my following comments might sound controversial!
The criticism on the fair increase misses the main problem!
First, the simplification of the zones is a good thing!
Second, the 20$ daily and 50$ weekly cap are a decent deal for visitors and are comparable to other cities worldwide. And these have not increased!
And third, who cares about increases of single fares about or even uses them?
What’s missing is a good deal for Aucklanders! Why does Auckland not offer affordable monthly or yearly passes (or caps if you prefer ) ?
Just some random picks for comparison. Public transport in Luxembourg is for free. As a student I could use busses for free in Palmerston North (my student times are long gone). A monthly pass in Boston is 90 US$. In Germany it’s 58€ for the monthly Deutschlandticket, which allows you to take any public transport and additional all regional trains. Vienna has a 365€ yearly ticket, so around a million of these are sold!
Which really leaves the main question:
Why is there no affordable monthly (100-150NZ$) or yearly (1000-1500NZ$) pass or cap ???
Currently with the $50 cap, the annual cost is $2600. Whereas an all-zones (1-6) annual travelcard in London costs about $6900 (NZD). It’s a great, well-used, service though.
Mind you, a set of twelve monthly passes (no annual pass option) to Waiheke costs $5220…and that is not such a great service.