Central Connector

Almost all of Auckland’s buses serving the inner-city make their way into the city along either Fanshawe Street (for North Shore buses), Albert Street (for West Auckland buses) or Symonds Street (for South, East and Central Auckland buses). I would guess that Symonds Street would definitely have the greatest number of buses out of any of these streets – and is a particularly popular location for people getting on and off the bus as it runs right through the middle of the University.…

How Many Bus Companies?

Auckland has always had fragmented ownership of its bus companies. Howick and Eastern have been operating as an independent private company since 1939, Birkenhead Transport for not much less than that. Plus back a few years before I started catching buses there was the Whenuapai bus company.…

Britomart to Sylvia Park

I hadn’t travellled on the Eastern Line for about four years, so I thought I’d better check it out. The new Sylvia Park station, located right next to the giant shopping mall, meant a pretty good excuse for checking out the railway line existed too.…

Transit Dreams

A few nights ago I had an interesting dream that somehow included trips to both Sydney and London. Since I got back from Europe a few months ago it has been fairly common for me to have dreams about some new overseas trip that I find myself on.…
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Liking the Bus

It felt a bit of a relief to get my dream rail system out of the way yesterday. Something that was interesting to write about, but the need to finish it seemed to be blocking me from getting on with writing in this blog about other issues.…

Auckland’s Rail Future – Part 2

To continue on from my previous post, we now take a step into a bit of the unknown. I will probably continue to change my mind about the best way for Auckland’s rail future versus the most realistic way to actually get change in my head for a fair while yet, but I guess this is a bit of a mixture: somewhat ideal, somewhat realistic.…

Auckland’s Rail Future – Part 1

OK I have to say that I do love doing this, pontificating about what Auckland’s railway system might look like in the future. A few posts back I wrote in quite detail why I thought Auckland’s railway system has a bright future, and how that would absolutely result in a need for future expansion of the system, particularly through building the CBD Rail Loop.…

Election Time

Of course one would have had to be living under a rock to not realise that election time has rolled around again. The first leader's debate (well….. of the two main parties) was last night, and probably didn't prove much except reasserting my annoyance that those who dumb themselves down the most generally are seen as "connecting" the best.…

A Transport Blog?

Well we might as well give this a crack, I guess there are a few questions to pose myself to get this thing going. Why the heck write a blog on Auckland’s Transport, it sucks, end of story! Well this is probably a good question to pose from the start.…
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Blog Evolution

It is true that seemingly every second post I’ve ever written on this blog probably falls into the category of “blogging about blogging”, but I genuinely do feel as though my blog is either at the very start of a significant change, or that it’s about to head into a time of significant change.…