Sunday reading 22 October 2017

Welcome back to Sunday reading: The first edition since it’s been confirmed that we’re getting a new Government. But that’s not what I’m going to talk about! The first article of the week is some new research into house prices from the US: Issi Romem at BuildZoom has published an insightful new analysis of why prices are high in some places but not in others: “Paying for dirt: Where have home values detached from construction costs?”…

Sunday reading 15 October 2017

In the last few weeks we’ve seen a lot of engagement on the topic of housing, so I thought I’d share the perspectives of a few young women doing the mahi in this space. Firstly, Women in Urbanism Aotearoa and Generation Zero’s Greer Rassmussen wrote a case for housing density in the face of climate change for the Climathon.…

Sunday reading 8 October 2017

Welcome back to Sunday reading. This week, I wanted to lead off with a couple of pieces about bus networks – what works and what doesn’t. First, three transport analysts have published an important research paper on patronage outcomes from transfer-friendly networks: “How network structure can boost and shape the demand for bus transit“.…

Sunday reading 10 September 2017

Welcome back to Sunday reading. Before the articles, a brief personal note. My grandma, Mollie Rogan, died on Friday night after a short stay in the hospital. She was 96, and had spent most of those years in Devonport (where her family moved during the 1930s), Milford (where she and my granddad Jim raised a family), and Takapuna (where they moved after the kids moved out).…

Sunday reading 3 September 2017

Welcome back to Sunday Reading. First, a quick follow-up story. A few weeks ago I posted a funny/tragic story about how the leaders of a Florida transit agency don’t use their own service. It seems Stuff picked up on the idea and did a local version of it- “How do Auckland Transport’s leaders get to work?“.  …

Sunday reading 27 August 2017

Welcome back to Sunday reading. This week: Land taxes. In Newsroom, Zbigniew Dumieński and Nicholas Smith put forward the case for a major shakeup of New Zealand’s tax system. Sounds like it could be a very good idea: Unlike any other products of labour (including houses), land is not produced and, therefore, won’t disappear when we tax it.…