If you missed Mike Lydon’s talk on Tuesday about Tactical Urbanism you can now watch it online. I thought it was a great talk and highlighted how quick, cheap and temporary measures can be extremely useful both from an advocacy perspective to show better outcomes are possible but also for agencies like Auckland Transport to trial outcomes as part of a consultation process.

Mike Lydon - Auckland Conversations

Did you go (or have you now watched the video). What did you think of it.

Now where can I get some of that traffic tape?

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  1. Loved it though it’s a bit familiar – Auckland Conversations has trained us well! Consultant to local board “did any of you see last night’s tactical…. Maybe you’d like to try this?

  2. Absolutely adored it, despite the fact that it felt a little bit like we’d heard it before — Auckland Conversations has done its job! A consultant asked members of the local board, “Did any of you see last night’s tactical…?” Would you like to give this a shot?

  3. If you missed Mike Lydon’s talk on tactical urbanism, it’s now available online. His insights on quick, cost-effective measures are valuable for advocacy and organizations like Auckland Transport. Speaking of navigation, have you ever tried the Slope Game? It’s a fun way to sharpen your skills while waiting for traffic footage!

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