1. True. The key is to improve public transport and at the same time increase population density. We have to do both at the same time, otherwise it will not work. If we have public transport but no density, the transport operator will run at loss and reduce investiment, meaning poor frequency and service.

    On the other hand if we only increase density but not pt, people living at high density area couldnt get around efficiency, which actually reduces the incentive to live in high density, so developers wont sell their apartments.

    1. They are mostly high end apartments, not usual apartments. Therefore, each apartment needs at least one car park (or three+ for a $5mill penthouse). it won’t encourage more to drive into town as it would be used by those living in the apartments.

  2. What a great little video! I hope they get some traction with it over there.
    We could use a bit of that thinking in our parking minimum policies!

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