1. I was in Wellington over Christmas and saw this. It wasn’t a shared space, but the walkway/cycleway around the waterfront where the only vehicles are service vehicles that have to pass through an electronic gate. The reference to penguins is a tip off… I’ve never seen one, but I’m told they’re sometimes seen around the waterfront.

  2. There’s a wee family of penguins living under the wharf by the meridian building – is very noisy some nights. There has been a fair bit of conflict between cyclists and pedestrians on the waterfront so is more about sharing space than a shared space in the stricter transport definition.

    1. On Wellington’s Lower Cuba St “shared space” I can tell you that the danger is not from cyclists. That shared space is straight and smooth for a whole block. No penguins would survive for long there!

  3. Shared spaces in Auckland are a joke. The drainage channel placement clearly defines (for drivers) a pedestrian route and a roadway. Should you dare use the road as a walking route you risk speeding aggressive vehicles, honking of horns to get out of the way, and a generally anxiety inducing experience. The solutions are to a) place the drainage channel in the middle of the ‘roads’ or in a cool zigzag interesting design pattern, and b) remove the physical barriers bars and restaurants bordering the ‘shared space’ place to separate the roadway from the pedestrian realm. These barriers are a complete killer of the idea shared spaces are in fact shared. The barriers clearly reinforce the fact there is a realm for people and a realm for cars.

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