
While Vancourerites Chris and Melissa Bruntlett are here for their Auckland Conversation talk, Generation Zero, Frocks on Bikes and TransportBlog have organised a slow, family friendly ride around the city centre this Sunday, November 2. . The map is below. The ride is designed to be self-directed so push off down the new Grafton Gully cycleway around 3:30 and meet up with people at several “pit stops” including the end of the Queen’s Wharf, at the water’s edge near the Silos (overlooking the future Skypath) and ending at Blend on Ponsonby Road. If it’s anything like the Bike to the Future event you will definitely want to  come along to this one.

The specific route is listed below:

If you want to, meet us before the event on K Rd at Revel Cafe->

Make your way to the entrance of Grafton Gully Cycleway at Upper Queen Street and Canada Street at 3:30pm ->

Push off in groups anytime after 3:30pm ->

Down Grafton Gully and along Beach Road ->

Tangihua Street to Waterfront on shared path->

Along to end of Queen’s Wharf for Pit Stop (15mins) ->

To Silo Park and Pit Stop (15mins/ Ice creams!?)->

To Victoria Park via Daldy Street->

Through Victoria Park (under flyover) ->

Wai-atarau Plaza, Franklin Road, Napier Street, Hepburn St->

Onto Ponsonby Rd and arrive at Blend!


The Facebook event for the ride is here if you would like to know more.

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    1. The route will be difficult for me, not looking forward to riding up the hill to Ponsonby after running in the marathon that morning!

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