1. Ideal if they are paid for and run by someone other than the ratepayer!
    We have plenty of water but I’m afraid that much of it is too polluted to play in or near; rectify that and we wouldn’t have so many problems.
    It would be nice to see swimmers in the viaduct basin and it used much more.

  2. Water feature from the top of K Rd down the middle of Queen St to Brittomart, would need a serious pump or lots of little water features designed to look like a single set of rapids popping up all the way down the street. Would have to get rid of the cars of course.

    1. There used to be a stream running down Queen Street, I wonder where that was redirected when it was turned into a road.

      1. If we were to do this, it would need to be ecologically innovative enough to boast about. I have no ideas, but I know that some corporate buildings reuse their air-con condesenation water in their fountains.

  3. So the plan is to extract more Waikato river water and use it for decorative purposes in Auckland. Food production in the Waikato is not as important as a decorative fountain in urban Auckland. No wonder the rest of the country sees Aucklanders as wasters of NZ resources! Planning requires purposeful thinking not wishful thinking

  4. If we were to do this, it would need to be ecologically innovative enough to boast about globally. I have no ideas, but I know that some corporate buildings reuse their air-con condesenation water in their fountains — but that shouldn’t be good enough on its own.

    1. You could have a series of interconnected grass swale (with some hidden connecting pipes) running down Queen Street, naturally fed by greywater or stormwater from further uptown. It wouldn’t flow full bore all the time but that might be part of the charm… it could be aided a little to keep up a pretty trickle when there hasn’t been much rain but for the rest of the year I’m sure it would burble along quite nicely.

      NB: I am not a ecologist or hydraulic engineer, but any thoughts from those who are…?

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